The late 1862 invasion of Kentucky by Confederates and subsequent Perryville Campaign were again guided by topography, transportation routes, and also water supply issues, as the state was in a deep drought at the time. The Perryville Campaign ended Confederate hopes of occupying Kentucky.ANDREWS, ...
Contested Borderland: The Civil War in Appalachian Kentucky and Virginia 71 4 THE KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN, CUMBERLAND GAP July鈥揙ctober 1862 Thermopylae of the state . . . well fortified by nature . . . with a little labor can be made almost impregnable. 鈥擩ames Henry Rogers, C.S.A., on ...
A native of Virginia, he grew up in prestatehood Kentucky before later settling in what became the state of Missouri. Clark was a planter and slaveholder.Along with Meriwether Lewis, Clark helped lead the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804 to 1806 across the Louisiana Purchas...
Connelly, in his desire to be fair to Bragg, is perhaps unjust to Kirby Smith; certainly one will find a fundamentally different account of Kirby Smith's role in the 1862 Kentucky campaign in Joseph Parks's biography. Although the book contains five maps, the reader will find it advisable ...
The Battle of Fort Henry took place February 6, 1862, during theAmerican Civil War(1861-1865) and was one of the first actions ofBrigadier General Ulysses S. Grant'scampaign in Tennessee. With the start of the Civil War, Kentucky declared neutrality and stated it would align against the fi...
Maintaining control of Kentucky, the Unions ninth most populous state, was very important to President Lincoln, who had been born there and appreciated its strategic value. The Union campaign leading up to the Battle of Middle Creek, initiated under his leadership, was part of an overall ...
The Battle of Perryville, 1862: Culmination of the Failed Kentucky Campaign In 1862, the Confederacy launched a campaign to sway the indecisive border state of Kentucky. Full of blunders and missed opportunities, this operation served only to convince the Kentuckians of what they suspected all along...
In the spring of 1863, while in Kentucky with the Second Michigan, Edmonds fell ill with a relapse of malaria, which she’d contracted the previous year while participating in thePeninsula Campaignin southeastern Virginia. She requested a furlough ...
Alex Taylor is a writer who lives in Rosine, Kentucky and teaches at Western Kentucky. I have his bookThe Blood Speeds the Travelerin French translation but couldn’t find it in English on Goodreads or online bookstores. It’s published by Gallmeister and I wonder if it’s ever been publ...
Another woman documented in the records held by the AGO was Mary Scaberry, alias Charles Freeman, Fifty-second Ohio Infantry. Scaberry enlisted as a private in the summer of 1862 at the age of seventeen. On November 7 she was admitted to the General Hospital in Lebanon, Kentucky, suffering...