The Keg Steakhouse + Bar is the perfect place to connect. Find a location near you, see our menus and join us to unwind with friends, create memories and indulge in mouth-watering prime rib and seafood.
10. The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Ottawa Market 763 reviewsCloses in 54 min Steakhouse, Canadian$$ - $$$Menu Steak is the best and so the burger. ... not crazy of their mashed potatoes. 11. Chez Lucien 497 reviewsOpen now Bar, Pub$$ - $$$ The Chez Lucien burger was delicious, jui...
The Keg Steakhouse + Bar is the perfect place to connect. Find a location near you, see our menus and join us to unwind with friends, create memories and indulge in mouth-watering prime rib and seafood.
/THE KEG Steakhouse & Bar/ - 名声在外的牛扒屋 - - 性价比很高的出品 - 01 名声在外的牛扒屋 The Keg Steakhouse & Bar <The Keg Steakhouse & Bar>, 坐落于维多利亚市中心的西餐厅,出品以牛扒为主。 属于连锁牛扒屋,名声不小,特意过来打卡。 所在地理位置很不错,就在海边公路旁边。 不过大门并不在大...
The Keg Steakhouse + Bar is the perfect place to connect. Find a location near you, see our menus and join us to unwind with friends, create memories and indulge in mouth-watering prime rib and seafood.
Travelers who viewed The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Hunt Club also viewed The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Ottawa Market 763 Reviews Ottawa, Ontario Al's Steakhouse 369 Reviews Ottawa, Ontario The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Ottawa Manor 320 Reviews Ottawa, Ontario Sterling 608 Revie...
The Keg Steakhouse + Bar is the perfect place to connect. Find a location near you, see our menus and join us to unwind with friends, create memories and indulge in mouth-watering prime rib and seafood.
食品安全报告: The Keg Steakhouse + 酒吧——加拿大安大略省纽马克特市杨格街纽马克特 6个月前•reported byuser-wdgt7745•商业 18195 Yonge Street, Newmarket, L9N 0H9 Ontario, Canada 离开餐厅后 4 小时内呕吐。 | 症状: 呕吐 #newmarket#ontario#ca ...
加拿大The Keg steakhouse The Keg是加拿大本地连锁牛排馆,因为家附近就有一家, 有时候不知道吃啥就会光顾。这个店的环境不错,服务也很好,量也不小,反正每次我都是吃撑撑~ 主菜牛排的话,一般还是medium最好,我感觉这边牛排的medium和国内的7分差不多,如果还喜欢更juicy一些,那就选medium rare。牛排凉了口感...
地址: 130 Crowfoot Terrance NW 电话:+1-403-20802** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(14) 全部图片(10)好评(13)中评(1)差评(0) 70wangyi 人均:429元 生意火爆,一定要预约,卡尔加里牛肉原料的确好,简单烹饪,肉质鲜嫩,推荐龙虾加牛排 pic_cover: dotSource: ...