About the Tutorial General Knowledge is a discipline that includes the facts of almost all the subjects such as Geography, Indian Polity, History, Science, Sports, and many other miscellaneous topics. Likewise, General Knowledge is one of the essential disciplines that makes us understand the ...
Francesco Sferra A Fragment of the Vajrāmṛtamahātantra: A Critical Edition of the Leaves Contained in Cambridge University Library Or.158.1 Abstract: The core of the paper consists of the editio princeps of a long fragment of the Sanskrit text of the Vajrāmṛtatantra, one of the ...
and no fear of death. All these aspects are embodied by the Gandhian Daniel. Gandhi emphasized the active role of Daniel as a resister, not the traditional view of the victim of court intrigues. In this paper, I argue that the image of the idealsatyagrahiDaniel could be strengthened by ...