宇鹏原版书 评论The Jungle Book 2006-04-30 17:47:29 本片故事叙述一位名叫 Mowgli 的小男孩,从小被狼群收养,在森林中长大,后来因为邪恶的老虎 Shere Khan 重返森林,这只老虎十分痛恨人类,因此 Mowgli 的动物朋友们觉得 Mowgli 必须回到人类村落才可避开危险,但是 Mowgli 却想继续留在森林里生活,不愿意回到...
这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 有幸参与《丛林故事》的新版翻译,得以拜读这本定义“丛林法则”的名著。为了避免受到影响,我还没敢看这本书的译本,更不敢和前辈们的版本作比较。所以本文完全是按照读原著时的感受而写。吉卜林的名气远没有他的著作《丛林故事》大,而《丛林故事》的名气也远没有吉卜林在美国的晚辈写的...
Dir. Jon Favreau. USA, 2016, 105 mins.Transporting Rudyard Kipling's beloved The Jungle Book, its...Ward, Sarah
I saw the newest Disney version of “The Jungle Book” in the company of my enthralled 12-year-old son, and there were moments when I envied him—but not too many, because the film is so surefooted in its effects, so precise and simple in its characterizations, and so clear about what...
When I first saw the trailer for Disney’s The Jungle Book I was bummed that I couldn’t take our 5year old to see it. Way too scary I thought! As the reviews trickled out, it looked to be a hit. I dug a little deeper and began to think well, maybe, just maybe she can! I...
The Jungle book 一个人的假期,一个人看电影。一场电影,一百分钟,一场心灵的旅程。未知的森林在我眼里缓缓展开:狼群养大的人类小孩毛克利Mowgli自由穿梭于丛林,严厉的导师黑豹,父爱的狼王,母爱的狼母,可爱的小狼,自由与奔放的sloth bear 巴鲁,“show your respect "的造物主elephant,唯一的大反派tiger,小反派巨蟒...
Kipling’s Jungle Book is a work of art and the most recent cinematic adaptation takes care to stay in the background and simply provide a
The Jungle Book (April 22/11)Based on Rudyard Kipling's Mowgli stories, The Jungle Book follows a young boy (Bruce Reitherman's Mowgli) as he's raised by a family of wolves after a black panther (Sebastian Cabot's Bagheera) discovers him in a basket. Mowgli's happy existence is ...
Of all of the impressive details to appear on screen in Disney’s live-action adaptation of “The Jungle Book,” none is more startling than a title card at the close of the end credits reading: “Filmed in Downtown Los Angeles.” So immersively does the film’s visual-effects team cra...