Website Summary In “The Judge,” Downey stars as big city lawyer Hank Palmer, who returns to his childhood home where his estranged father, the town’s judge (Duvall), is suspected of murder. He sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects with...
The Judge movie trailer, release date, plot and cast starring Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall. A successful lawyer returns to his hometown for his mother's funeral only to discover that his estranged father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder
Michael Constantine Judge Weitzel Matt Craven Boone Todd Susman Bozeman Michael Rispoli Joseph Boffano Julie Halston Inez Frank Adonis DeCicco Matthew Cowles Rodney Polly Adams Forewoman Jack Gilpin Accountant Chuck Cooper Stockbroker Joe Perrino Thomas Riggio James McCauley Carew Randy Jurgensen Court Cle...
“The Judge” is the kind of movie that offers no surprises – in its plot or in its release – but it’s also the kind of movie about which I tend to shrug and say, “Well, it’s gonna happen.”This film is such obvious award-bait for everyone involved, and the only key ...
This movie is a reminder of Nolan’s incredible vision and robust filmmaking. It’s held up wonderfully. One wishes there were more big-budget filmmakers taking these kinds of risks. Inception peacock Jurassic Park Year: 1993Runtime: 2h 6mDirector: Steven Spielberg An instant classic when ...
Watch Hail the Judge 1994 1 hr 46 min 7.5 (4,856) Hail the Judge is a Hong Kong comedy movie from 1994, directed by Wong Jing and starring Stephen Chow, Man Cheung, and Man-Tat Ng. It is a hilarious tale of a corrupt magistrate and a bunch of hilarious misfits who help him ...
Vote on your favorite movie with gay themes in it. Latest additions:Queer, Backspot, I Saw the TV Glow Most divisive:Lilies Over 9.6K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 150+ Best Movies With Gay Themes HOW RANKINGS WORK ...
judge the film for yourself, we say. even if you agree with the bulk of critics, spending 138 minutes with phoenix and gaga playing off of each other at their most unhinged is worth the price of admission (which, in this case, is the max subscription you already have). watch on max ...
After a final brush with the law, a judge sentences her to an elite gymnastics academy run by a legendary, hard-nosed coach (Jeff Bridges). Once there, Haley's rebellious attitude wins her both friends and enemies. Released: 2006 Directed by: Jessica Bendinger Also ranks #1 on Th...
“I Came By” moniker that he leaves behind, Nealey’s vigilante artwork lands the youth in troubled waters when he targets a decorated judge (played by Hugh Bonneville) who has some less-than-philanthropic secrets lurking in his manor — mysteries that could threaten Toby’s own life and ...