The Joy of Clojure 作者: [美] Michael Fogus / Chris Houser 出版社: Manning Publications副标题: Thinking the Clojure Way出版年: 2011-4-4页数: 300定价: USD 44.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781935182641豆瓣评分 8.4 72人评价 5星 44.4% 4星 44.4% 3星 6.9% 2星 4.2% 1星 0.0% ...
hy里面已经有不少来自clojure的macro: Built-Ins - hy 0.15.0 我还写了vscode的hy插件 所以,基本读下来还是没什么障碍的。当然clojure的特色还是很多的:显式用recur驱动loop,:key map 提取值,不可变类型…… 当吸收了《Fluent Python》、《SICP》、...
Some programming languages have been created primarily to demonstrate some nugget of academia or to explore certain theories of computation. Clojure is not one of these. Rich Hickey has said on numerous occasions that Clojure has value to the degree that it lets you build interesting and useful a...
> Teens(青少年读物) > 华研 > 英文原版 编程之美 第2版 The Joy of Clojure Clojure 英文版 进口原版书籍 济南通博图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.5 中 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 ...
预订The Joy of Clojure [ISBN:9781617291418] 【全球购】进口原版图书,约5-8周到达国内后发出 作者:Fogus Michael出版社:Manning Publications出版时间:2014年06月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥535.00 配送至 上海 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“书之源外文图书”发货,并提供售后服务。
想读 The Joy of Clojure 书名: The Joy of Clojure 作者: Michael Fogus/Chris Houser 副标题: Thinking the Clojure Way 页数: 300 出版社: Manning Publications 出版年: 2011-4-4 第292页 Clojure changes the way you think 其实在我接触面向对象之前,我对DSL、设计模式这些东西都很陌生,因为我...
Clojure is lazy in the way ithandlesitssequencetypes. Laziness是FP重要的特征, pure FP应该是lazy language, 比如Haskell. 当然完全的lazy带来问题是, 无法保证程序的执行顺序. 而Clojure是在实用性和pure FP之间做妥协的, 所以他只是部分的支持lazy, 主要就表现在处理sequence的时候, 在其他大部分的时候仍然是...
Book Excerpt and Interview: The Joy of ClojureInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQInfoQ
The Joy of Clojure, Third Edition The Joy of Clojure goes beyond just syntax to show you how to write fluent and idiomatic Clojure code. You'll learn a functional approach to programming and will master Lisp techniques that make Clojure so elegant and efficient. The book gives you easy acc...
O’Reilly has finally recanted and is doing a Lisp book.Clojure Programmingshould be done soon, and Manning hasClojure in ActionandThe Joy of Clojure. If you are looking for an interactive way of learning Clojure, there isTry Clojure. Those looking to sharpen their Clojure skills can look at...