The-Joy-Luck-Club-喜福会-(改编剧本)The Joy Luck Club喜福会 Characters:June(grown-up)、June(child)、Mother、Father、Aunt Anmei、Aunt Yingying、Aunt Lindo、Old Mr.Chong、Waverly(child)、Audience1、Audience2、Cara、旁白 人物:金梅(长大后)、金梅(小时候)、妈妈、爸爸、安美阿姨、莺莺阿姨、林多阿姨、...
The Joy Luck Club TheJoyLuckClub ListofMajorCharacters SuyuanWoo吴素云Shewasforcedtoleavehertwin-daughtersontheroadsidetwinduringthesecondWorldWar.June(JingJune(Jing-MeiWoo)吴精美Shewasaskedtoplaypianoasachild,however,shefailedinaperformanceandfeltshortofhermother’smother’expectations.LindoJong琳达龚Shewas...
吴静梅:喜福会 胡安梅:伤痕 久林都:红色蜡烛 (街道)凯莱尔 盈盈:月亮小姐 26禁忌之门 久 唯尔礼:游戏规则 (街道)凯莱尔 莱娜:墙那边的声音 乔丹 胡 罗丝:一半的一半 吴静梅:两种 美式翻译 (街道)凯莱尔 莱娜:莱丝丈夫 久 唯尔礼:4个方向 乔丹 胡 罗丝:无木 吴静梅:最好的质量 西方天国的妈妈皇后 ...
(The Joy Luck Club, Two Kinds, Best Quality, A Pair of Tickets) -Mother: Suyuan Woo -Father: Canning Woo Works as an ad copy writer; Her mom wanted her to be a prodigy; Shirley Temple hair; Mr. Chong piano teacher; Crab dinner shows that she is kind hearted; Rivals with Waverly ...
The-Joy-Luck-Club- 喜福会 -(改编剧本) The Joy Luck Club 喜福会 Characters: June(grown-up)、June(child) 、Mother、Father、Aunt Anmei 、Aunt Yingying 、 Aunt Lindo 、 Old Mr.Chong 、 Waverly(child) 、 Audience1 、 Audience2 、Cara、旁白 人物:金梅(长大后)、金梅(小时候)、妈妈、爸爸、安...
喜福会(the Joy Luck Club)中主要人物的名子(英文)拜托大家把喜福会中四对母女及其他主要人物的名字,英文的哈 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 The four womenSuyuan (Kieu Chinh), Lindo (Tsai Chin), Ying Ying (France Nuyen), and An Mei (Lisa Lu)The four daughtersJune (Ming-Na Wen)--Suyuan's ...
and friends. The characters narrate their journeys while they reflect upon their pasts. The Joy Luck Club was formed by four women; Lindo Jong (Tsai Chin), Ying-Ying St. Clair (France Nuyen), An-Mei Hsu (Lisa Lu), and Suyuan Woo (Kieu Chinh), in San Francisco. The members have ma...
Popo Quotes in The Joy Luck Club The The Joy Luck Club quotes below are all either spoken by Popo or refer to Popo. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). Part 1, Cha...
《喜福会》是一部由王颖执导, 周采芹、 温明娜、 俞飞鸿等主演的剧情电影,于1993年9月16日在加拿大上映。该片以旅美的四对华裔母女为中心,讲述了几个家庭近百年来的遭遇,从而对比出中国女性从受尽辛酸屈辱的祖母辈逐渐成长为具有独立人格和经济地位的新一代女性。1995年,谭恩美、罗纳德·...
1、the joy luck clubthe joy luck clubcharacters the mothers the daughters suyuan woo jing-mei woo an-mei hsu rose hsu jordan lindo jong waverly jong ying-ying st.clair lena st.clair topics the misunderstanding between mothers & daughters the clash between generations & cultures the struggle for...