喜福会(the joy luck club)TheJoyLuckClub AmyTan Presentedbygroup5 IntroductionTheme&Conclusion 丁思齐1张禄6包昀培 Content 34 2 Background&Characters 5 TheMainConflict 王选 张雨剑 Plot1&2 李彬 Plot3&4 TheJoyLuckClub 2 Tips:30~35minutes 5minutesforaskingquestions TheJoyLuckClub 3 1.Introduction Au...
喜福会(the-joy-luck-club)完整版.ppt,Amy TanThe Joy Luck ClubPresented by group 5 Content123456丁思齐李彬张雨剑王选张禄包昀培IntroductionPlot 3 4The Main ConflictPlot 1 2Background CharactersTheme Conclusion Tips:30 ~ 35 minutes 5 minutes for asking quest
The_Joy_Luck_club(1)剖析 ContemporaryChineseAmericanWriters BackgroundKnowledge:Thereare3wavesofChineseimmigrationtotheUnitedStates.Whendidtheyhappen?Forwhat reasonsdidtheChineseimmigratetotheU.S.?3wavesofChineseimmigration 1.1840s,seekfortuneinthegoldrushandwestwardexpansion;2.1860s,constructionofthe...
The Joy Luck Clubis a movie originate form a novel written by Amy tan, which mainly tells about four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco who start a club known as “the luck club” playing the Chinese game of mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of goods. In the...
joyluckclub喜福会waverlyswan AmyTanTheJoyLuckClubPresentedbygroup5TheJoyLuckClubContent123456丁思齐李彬张雨剑王选张禄包昀培IntroductionPlot3&4TheMainConflictPlot1&2Background&CharactersTheme&Conclusion2TheJoyLuckClubTips:30~35minutes5minutesforaskingquestions3TheJoyLuckClub1.IntroductionAuthor:AmyTanNovel:TheJoy...
The Joy Luck Club 《喜福会》英文观后感(总2页) My Appreciation oftheJoy Luck Club The first timeIsaw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club,Ithought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness.However, out of myexpectation,in the film,Isaw manyunpleasant things—conflict...
喜福会(the joy luck club)喜福会(the joy luck club),presentation,大连理工大学英语课报告 Introduction Theme & Conclusion 丁思齐 1 张禄 6 包昀培 Content 3 4 2 Background & Characters 5 The Main Conflict 王选 张雨剑 Plot 1 & 2 李彬 Plot 3 & 4 The Joy Luck Club...
16、 to America, marries, and gives birth to seven children. 21The Joy Luck ClubRose Rose marries Ted Jordan, who really loved her. After a malpractice suit, Ted has a mid-life crisis and decides to leave Rose. 22The Joy Luck ClubBackground Structure 1Relationship 2Article clue 3Story ...
The Joy Luck Club的创作者 ··· 谭恩美 作者 作者简介 ··· 谭恩美(Amy Tan),美国华裔作家。1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。她因处女作《喜福会》而一举成名,成为当代美国的畅销作家。著有长篇小说《灶神之妻》、《灵感女孩》和为儿童创作的《月亮夫人》、《中国暹罗猫...
TheJoyLuckClub Background Characters Name BaoYunpei 10 Part 2 TheJoyLuckClub Background 11 TheJoyLuckClub Structure 12 TheJoyLuckClub Background 13 TheJoyLuckClub Relationship Family Suyuan June Lindo Waverly Yingying Lena Anmei Rose 14 TheJoyLuckClub Suyun Suyuanwasthewifeofanofficerwhoworkin...