The Journal of Physiology welcomes submitted research papers in all areas of physiology. Authors should present original work that illustrates new physiological principles or mechanisms. Papers on work at the molecular level, at the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs and on...
Considering the uncertainty surrounding the most appropriate therapeutic approaches for sufferers of cachexia, extensive further research toward the development of treatment strategies is needed. Past research indicates that in order ...
期刊网址: 出版商网址: 简介 期刊简称J PHYSIOL-LONDON 参考译名《生理学杂志》 核心类别SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-PHYSIOLOGY生理学;NEUROSCIENCES神经科学 ...
请注意:出版商不对作者提供的任何支持信息的内容或功能负责.任何查询(除了缺失的内容)都应该直接发送给文章的通讯作者. effects of sex and ageing on the human respiratory muscle metaboreflex the journal of physiology article early...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Physiology》 | 1999年第Pt 1期 2.Cytokines – killers in the brain? 机译:细胞因子–大脑的杀手?? 作者:Nancy J Rothwell 期刊名称:《The Journal of Physiology》 | 1999年第Pt 1期 3.Involvement of the N-terminus of Kir6.2 in the inhibition of the KATP channel ...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Physiology》 | 2013年第Pt 20期 16.Resveratrol blunts the positive effects of exercise training on cardiovascular health in aged men 机译:白藜芦醇钝化了运动训练对老年男性心血管健康的积极影响 作者:Lasse Gliemann;Jakob Friis Schmidt;Jesper Olesen;Rasmus Sjørup Biensø...
thejournalofphysiology生理学杂志 系统标签: physiology生理学vasoactivefierstracvrcerebral JPhysiol591.23(2013)pp5809–58215809TheJournalofPhysiologyTOPICALREVIEWMeasuringcerebrovascularreactivity:whatstimulustouse?J.Fierstra1,O.Sobczyk2,A.Battisti-Charbonney3,D.M.Mandell3,J.Poublanc3,A.P.Crawley3,D.J.Mikuli...
The Journal of Physiology welcomes submitted research papers in all areas of physiology. Authors should present original work that illustrates new physiological principles or mechanisms. Papers on work at the molecular level, at the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs and on...
The Journal of Physiological Sciences《生理科学杂志》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称J PHYSIOL SCI 参考译名《生理科学杂志》 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-PHYSIOLOGY生理学 The Journal of Physiological Sciences《生理科学杂志》(一年1卷). The Journal of...
1.On the movements of the uterus 机译:子宫运动 作者:Arthur R. Cushny 期刊名称:《The Journal of Physiology》 | 1906年第1-2期 2.On the presence of lactase in the intestines of animals and on the adaptation of the intestine to lactose 机译:动物肠道中乳糖酶的存在以及肠道对乳糖的适应性...