期刊简称J PATHOL 参考译名《病理学杂志》 核心类别SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-PATHOLOGY病理学;ONCOLOGY肿瘤学 The Journal of Pathology《病理学杂志》(一年13期). The Journal of Pathology serves as a translational bridge between basic biomedical science an...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research》|2020年第2期 关键词: multifocal; breast cancer; 7.Frequent KRAS and HRAS mutations in squamous cell papillomas of the head and neck 机译:头颈部鳞状细胞乳头瘤中频繁发生KRAS和HRAS突变 ...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research》|2015年第1期 3.Performance of automated scoring of ER PR HER2 CK5/6 and EGFR in breast cancer tissue microarrays in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium 机译:乳腺癌协会联合会在乳腺癌组织微阵列中对ERPRHER2CK5 / 6和EGFR进行自动评分的表...
The Journal of Pathology aims to serve as a translational bridge between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to, tissue based studies. The main interests of the Journal lie in publishing studies that further our understanding the ...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址:http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jpath 期刊网址:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10969896 出版商网址:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/The Journal of Pathology《病理学杂志》(官网投稿)的期刊点评返回该期刊 本刊点评浏览 暂无点评信息 我要点评 欢迎点评!让信息更透明,使投...
东部战区总医院病理科饶秋教授团队在国际顶级病理期刊The Journal of Pathology在线发表题为“Malignant melanotic Xp11 neoplasms exhibit a clinicopathologicalspectrum and gene expression profiling akin to alveolar soft part sarcoma: aproposal for reclassification”的多中心研究论文,纠正了TFE3易位性PEComa的命名误区...
机制及药物研究重点实验室,病理生理学教研室郭兵教授团队在狼疮肾炎肾小球损伤机制研究方面取得新进展,相关研究成果以“C/EBPβ isoform-specific regulation of podocyte pyroptosis in lupus nephritis-induced renal injury”为题发表在国际病理学权威学术期刊《The Journal of Pathology》上,该期刊于1892年在英国伦敦创刊...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research》 | 2019年第3期 3.Intranuclear inclusions in hepatocellular carcinoma contain autophagy‐associated proteins and correlate with prolonged survival 机译:肝细胞癌中的核内包裹物包含自噬相关蛋白,并与延长的生存期相关 作者:Suzan Schwertheim;Daniela Weste...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research》|2019年第1期 2.Cancer immunophenotyping by seven‐colour multispectral imaging without tyramide signal amplification 机译:不使用酪酰胺信号放大的七色多光谱成像进行癌症免疫分型 作者:Marieke E Ijsselsteijn;Thomas P Brouwer;Ziena Abdulrahman;Eileen Reid...
《JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY》 (点击进入期刊详情) 英文简介 : The main interests of the Journal of Pathology lie in the pathophysiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of human disease and in the application of such knowledge to diagnosis and prognosis. In determining content the primary considerations are ...