请问ACS上的The Journal of Organic Chemistry的审稿周期多长?谢谢
The European Physical Journal Plus好像是新出来的杂志,到底是研究哪方面的呢,容易中吗,谢谢大家啊 [...
sci论文第几作者评职称有用? 总的来说,用于评职称的sci论文第一作者是最备受认可的。但一般也有的评职是认可sci论文 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience期刊是SCI几区的 Frontiers in Computational NeuroscienceSCI期刊分区分为中科院分区和JCR分区,以下是Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience期刊涉及到的学 ...
Sci. , 2015 , 8(4): 1160 -1189 Google Scholar [14] CHEN Y C, MENG Q, ZHANG L R. SnO2-based electron transporting layer materials for perovskite solar cells: a review of recent progress. Journal of Energy Chemistry , 2019 , 35: 144 -167 Google Scholar [15] HU T, BECKER...
of the journal. Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements invites original research submissions, communications, and reviews involving chemistry in which select heteroatoms play a pivotal, central role to the presentation. We therefore consider papers on: (Bio)organic, (bio)inorganic, ...
Bergin et al.(2017)对实验部分的模型估计结果显示,占总积尘密度约8%的有机碳(Organic Carbon, OC)、离子组分等非沙尘组分可贡献近50%的透射率损耗,表明这些非沙尘组分具有较强的消光能力。然而,该模型中积尘密度与透射率损耗呈线性关系,在积尘密度较高时模型估计结果可能存在误差,导致该模型在研究各组分对透射...
图1.研究区采样点分布图 Figure 1.Location map of sampling sites in the study area 下载:全尺寸图片幻灯片 样品采集时间为2020年5~6月,使用不锈钢桶采集地下水样品共52个,每个采样点用500mL聚丙烯瓶(polypropylene,PP)采集平行样品2个,样品采集后当天运回实验室于4℃冰箱内冷藏储存待分析。空白样为试剂空白纯净...
China has been experiencing widespread air pollution due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in recent decades. The two major concerns of ambient a
起始发布年份:1915 出版者:Washington, DC : National Academy of Sciences 出版地:United StatesNLM刊名缩写:Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A数据库引入:OLDMEDLINE, PMCMeSH词表主题词:Science*备注:Vols. for <1999-> also called: PNAS. Not to be confused with another publication展开▼期刊论文...