As I look back over the last few years of the Journal of Addictions Nursing (JAN), I can see that we have made considerable progress not only in the number of original contributions but in the expansion of our columns and the breadth of information we are bringing to our readers. As we...
evolution of the journal 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者: M Kirkland\T 摘要: FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Martha Kirkland eginning with this first issue of Volume 13 of The Occupational B Therapy Journal of Research, the American Occupational Ther apy Foundation (AOTP) has initiated ...
Moving beyond the adaptationist paradigm for human evolution, and why it matters 2023, Journal of Human Evolution Citation Excerpt : We believe that, in the next 50 years, JHE should focus on using the journal's power as gatekeepers of a collective norm for the discipline (sensu Antón, 2022...
Nowadays, wide variations exist in type of brushing aid used, tooth brushing technique, dentifrice use, frequency and time of tooth brushing. Individual tooth brushing habits are usually consistent. Factors affecting the efficacy of tooth brushing include the technique, frequency, duration, brush type ...
Social media Follow the Journal on: X Follow the Linnean Society on: X Facebook LinkedInRelated Titles Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society Evolution Evolution Letters Journal of Evolutionary Biology About...
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The journal invites submissions in such topic areas as the inter- action between trade and environment; the role of local, national, regional, and international institutions in en- vironmental governance; analysis of international environmental agreements; the impact of environmental regulation on ...
We show that the high seas are colonized by a diverse array of coastal species, which survive and reproduce in the open ocean, contributing strongly to its floating community composition. Analysis of rafting plastic debris in the eastern North Pacific Su
issues with four sister journals, Life, Geoscience, Materials, and Medicine (Figure 1), The authors come from 49 countries and their articles had been cited by researchers from 113 countries (Source: Web of Science). The Innovation is a multidisciplinary journal covering all natural science ...
grain size of deposit/ environmental change/ optically stimulated luminescence 受到北东向和北西向活动断裂影响, 河北平原存在一系列北东向展布的小型断陷盆地和构造隆起区, 形成复合型断陷盆地(陈望和和倪明云, 1987), 在盆地内堆积了厚层的第四系沉积物(中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所平华北平原研究组, 1978)...