有什么international开头的journal往往是fake;而且太broad 其实这都只是次要,关键是这个journal没有issn number(检索号)。不用我多说了吧
责任人(主编):João B.P. Soares 出版单位:Wiley 出版时间:0000-00-00 期号:,期,总期 ISSN:0008-4034 ,购买THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2016/04加拿大化学工程学报等期刊相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
2002-2003 by Elsevier Engineering Information Inc. All rights reserved.釈逢 Ei Services 逢 Ei Services - Microsoft Internet Explorer 」口| x| 逢 Ei Services 逢 Ei Services - Microsoft Internet Explorer 」口| x| Xi” an Dianz i Kej i Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University ISSN Year |...
Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division (ISSN: 0090-3914) 出版社 ISSN-L0090-3914 ISSN0090-3914 IF(影响因子)2025 Evaluation Pending 期刊主页 期刊概要 The description of this Journal has not been added. Please edit it freely or contact us. Volumes No Archives...
ISSN:18761100 EISSN:18761119 Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Country/Region:Germany Subject 1:Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 5. EI会议常见的几个著名出版商——SPIE:SPIE,国际光学工程学会(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,SPIE)是美国的一个非营...
Important hyperparameters for GRU network models are the number of hidden units in the recurrent layers, the dropout value, and the learning rate value. Individually, these hyperparameters can significantly influence the performance of the LSTM or GRU neural models. Studies, such as [67,68], ...
After this stage, the number of wave points can still be decreased. Because the highest wave energy in the approximation wave and its shape is similar to those of the main wave, the filtering method is performed on this portion of the wave, and the 𝐴1A1 wave is split into two waves...
期刊名称:《Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers》 | 2012年第4期 关键词: Actuation redundancy; Condition number; Null space; Tendon-driven manipulator; 5.Enhancement of a single-input fuzzy logic control system using a novel method 机译:用一种新方法增强单输入模糊逻辑控制系统 作者:Shi...
ISSN 22502122, 22502130 Coverage 2012-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope This Series is a peer-reviewed publication focuses on the latest developments taking place in all aspects of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering and Mining Engineering field. It emphasizes the processin...
It is worthy to mention that the Institution had accredited the course curriculum of IIT Kharagpur, the first IIT established in India. It also has the distinction of producing the maximum number of engineers in the core engineering disciplines, thus augmenting the nation building efforts. The ...