William Wang founded the Journal of Chinese Linguistics at Berkeley in 1973, and continues to be its editor. He was the Inaugural President of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, founded in 1992. His writings have appeared in many specialized journals as well as in general publica...
(with Joseph Aoun, 2003), Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation (edited with Andrew Simpson, 2003), and The Syntax of Chinese (with James Huang and Yafei Li, 2009). She has also published in a number of linguistic journals including the Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Language...
《汉语运动事件词化类型演变新探》(上海教育出版社2021),在《中国语文》、Linguistics、Studies in Language、Journal of Chinese Linguistics等期刊发表论文30篇,主持国家社科基金一般项目(2021–2025)、青年项目(2014–2020;鉴定等级:优秀)及教育部人文社科基金青年项目(2012–2015)各1项。
number-sense,andeventechnologicalskillsinlaterlife.ItappearedinthejournalSocialScience Research. Theresearcherswereexploringtheadvantagesofscholarlyculture.Theywereinterestedina curiousobservationthatsomecallthe “radiation effect”.“Radiationeffectisasituationwherechildrengrowuparoundbooks,buttheydon?tread books.Butsomeh...
He is also joint general editor of The Journal of East Asian Linguistics.doi:10.1002/9781118584552.ch11Huang, C.-T. JamesLi, Y.-H. AudreySimpson, AndrewWiley-BlackwellComparatives," in C.-T. James Huang, Y.-H. Audrey Li, and Andrew Simpson (eds.), The Handbook of Chinese Linguistics....
(Professor of Psychology at Renmin University of China, editorial board member of the Journal of Psychology, editorial board member of the Chinese Phonetic Journal, executive director of the Chinese Psycholinguistics Professional Committee of the Chinese English Chinese Comparative Research Association, execu...
Specialized linguistic journals on individual languages include: English— American Speech (New York, 1925—; also touches on general linguistic problems), Anglistica (Copenhagen, 1953—), and Journal of English Linguistics (Washington, 1967—); Finnish— Virittäjä (Helsinki, 1897—); French—...
Chinese Linguistics: A Selected and Classified Bibliography. By Paul Fu-Mien Yang, S.J. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1974. xxvii, 292 pp. List of Publishers, Indexes, Appendix, n.p.l. Jerry,Norman - 《Journal of Asian Studies》 被引量: 0发表: 1977年 Chinese ...
Preparing Chinese EFL adults for life abroad: Self-assessment, listening, and speaking Dolosic, Haley;Fang, Wei-Chieh;Brantmeier, Cindy;Strube, Michael;Gao, Yanming 28-41 Acquisition of English cue strengths by Cantonese learners of English ...
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...