Isolation, characterization, and structure of rabelomycin, a new antibiotic. J Antibiot. 1970;23:437–41. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhu L et al. Identification of the function of gene lndM2 encoding a bifunctional oxygenase-reductase involved in the biosynthesis of the antitumor antibiot...
In November 2022, a live biotherapeutic product, RBX2660 (Rebyota), was approved by the US FDA [58] to help prevent CDI following antibiotic treatment, based on phase-III trial data [59]. RBX2660 is a liquid suspension donor fecal microbiota that has been screened for bacterial, viral an...
Aminoglycoside antibiotics (AGAs) were developed at the dawn of the antibiotics era and have significantly aided in the treatment of infectious diseases. Aminoglycosides have become one of the four major types of antibiotics in use today and, fortunately
Here, we investigate nosiheptide activity in vitro against a panel of contemporary MRSA and other Gram-positive clinical isolates. MRSA killing kinetics and post-antibiotic effects (PAE) are characterized, and nosiheptide in vivo activity is demonstrated. Our results indicate that ‘re-discovered’...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Biological Chemistry》 | 2013年第17期 关键词: Antibiotic Resistance Bacterial Signal Transduction Cell Wall Cyclic Nucleotides Heme GdpP Heme PAS Domain YybT Cyclic Di-AMP; 27.Chemokine CXCL1 Dimer Is a Potent Agonist for the CXCR2 Receptor 机译:趋化因子CXCL1二聚...
期刊名称:《The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics : JPPT》 | 2004年第2期 关键词: antibiotic resistance children clindamycin Community-acquired MRSA D-test MRSA; 22.The Effects of Increasing Doses of Ranitidine on Gastric pH in Children 机译:雷尼替丁剂量增加对儿童胃酸碱度的影响...
The extensive use of antibiotics in the global livestock industry in recent decades has accelerated the accumulation and dissemination of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) within terrestrial ecosystems. This occurs due to the limited absorption of most
Aquaculture is an important food source worldwide. The extensive use of antibiotics in intensive large-scale farms has resulted in resistance development. Non-intensive aquaculture is another aquatic feeding model that is conducive to ecological protecti
October 25, 2023, marked the 100th anniversary of the Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital in the Journal.1 Between their very first discussion of “an American student of twenty-four […] complaining of pain and dyspnea” and their centennial celebration, the Case Records enabled...
Considering the significance of this emerging issue, special emphasis is placed on the sources, fate, and possible management strategies to mitigate the threat of antibiotic resistance. This review covers the environmental footprints of the antibiotic contamination-mediated emergence and dissemination of ...