Define Hare Rama. Hare Rama synonyms, Hare Rama pronunciation, Hare Rama translation, English dictionary definition of Hare Rama. n. 1. A chant to the Hindu god Krishna. 2. Informal a. A member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, foun
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Each of the RUSLE2 factors was calculated separately and was adapted to the specific environmental conditions of the Boubo watershed. We used the classified Landsat images in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to validate the accuracy of the LSU. The LSU validation can be performed during fieldwork by ...
Socrates had argued – in theEuthydemus, for instance – that thegoodcan be characterized by the fourcardinal virtues. He engaged in countless discussions about the meaning of virtues in practical life examples. Socrateswas aware that he did not have enough knowledge, to definitely describe thegood...
during her second year at Warangal, Gidla participated in a strike (the only female to do so) against an upper-caste professor in the Engineering department who was deliberately failing students from the lower castes. She was detained for three months; tortured and contracted tuberculosis.Gidla ...
scite shows how a scientific paper has been cited by providing the context of the citation, a classification describing whether it supports, mentions, or contrasts the cited claim, and a label indicating in which section the citation was made.Download...
The selected studies with indication of the journal in which they were published and the study objectives can be found in the Supplementary Information (Annex 2). The subsequently applied content analysis is a systematic method for condensation of raw data into categories or themes based on valid ...
Further, ‘It has been the communists in Kerala, above all, who have visited Harijan houses, fraternized in low-caste tea shops, and upheld irregular marriages between persons of high and low caste’ (Gough, 1965b: 416). In her work during this period, she observes the onset of ...
Harijan, 18 June 1946. 28. Suhrud retranslates “the Spirit” as “the dweller within” (2018, p. 441 M1). 29. Gandhi’s assertion appears to contradict that of Chatterjee, who believes he possessed “the pedagogue’s natural gift for sensing the language that would be intelligible to ...
IRMaGe is partly funded by the French program Investissement d’Avenir run by the French National Research Agency, grant Infrastructure d’avenir en Biologie Sante (ANR-11-INBS-0006). This project was partly funded by NeuroCoG IDEX UGA in the framework of the Investissements d’avenir program...