其他版本: Joshua Tree (全部) 豆瓣评分 9.1 8310人评价 5星 63.4% 4星 29.4% 3星 6.4% 2星 0.6% 1星 0.2% 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· U2's most successful album (their first No. 1 album and the 1987 Grammy award-winner for Albu...
而这一期符合这个主题且需要一定经历的经典摇滚专辑,不仅让乐队实现了名利双收,而且还不经意间改变了摇滚音乐的格局。专辑名字很有诗意,叫做《The Joshua Tree(约书亚树)》。具体介绍如下: “The Joshua Tree is the fifth studio album by Irish rock band U2. It was produced by Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno...
The Joshua Tree 又名:约书亚之树 表演者:U2 流派:摇滚 专辑类型:专辑 介质:Vinyl 发行时间:2007-12-11 出版者:Island 唱片数:1 条形码:0602517509498 其他版本:The Joshua Tree(全部) 豆瓣评分 8.8 64人评价 5星 59.0% 4星 23.1% 3星 17.9% 2星...
TRIP THROUGH YOUR WIRES As recorded by U2 (From the 1987 Album THE JOSHUA TREE) Words by Bono Music by U2 Arranged by oranno@yahoo.fr Transcribed by oranno@yahoo.fr G/B C5 F6add9 C x 2 0 0 3 3 x 3 x 0 x x x x 3 2 3 3 x 3 x 0 5 3 G5 G5/E G5/D Cadd9 3 x...
- 滚石杂志 【The Joshua Tree】是U2合唱团有感于1980年代中期以美国里根总统与英国首相撒切尔夫人为首的世界局势产生剧变所创作的专辑。 U2合唱团缔造超过1亿7000万张唱片销售,荣获22座格莱美奖,乐团的首3座格莱美奖就是来自乐团第5张录音室专辑【The Joshua Tree】,专辑荣获1988「年度专辑奖」、「最佳摇滚乐团...
《The Joshua Tree》呈现了一个新的 U2:福音音乐的影响、坦诚外露的情感,以及一种含蓄克制又真诚动人的音乐风格。过去的他们放任自己随心所欲地写歌,而现在他们开始探索限制带来的自由。 如果侧耳细听,你可以分辨出丝丝缕缕的吉他和怀表式的打击乐(《One Tree Hill》),但专辑的音乐整体听来十分简单而直接。歌词涉及...
Joshua tree- a large branched arborescent yucca of southwestern United States having short leaves and clustered greenish white flowers Yucca brevifolia yucca- any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca having usually tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers; warmer regions of...
Lyrics to the U2 album The Joshua Tree Where the Streets Have No Name I want to run - I want to hide I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside I want to reach out and touch the flame Where the streets have no name I want to feel sunlight on my face I see the dust ...
LP 1+2 – The Joshua Tree albumWhere The Streets Have No NameI Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForWith Or Without YouBullet The Blue SkyRunning To Stand StillRed Hill Mining TownIn God's CountryTrip Through Your WiresOne Tree HillExitMothers Of The DisappearedLP 3+4 – The ...
U2专辑《The Joshua Tree (Deluxe Edition) [Remastered]》。简介:第三十届格莱美年度最佳专辑 20年前,U2发行了这张给他们赢得无比荣誉的the Joshua Tree。从略显稚嫩的专辑War到初现成熟的the Unforgetable Fire, 在到这张the Joshua Tree, U2完成了从愤愤不平的Punk少