The Original Origin Story Though he debuted in 1940's Batman #1, it would be many years before DC attempted to establish some sort of origin story for the villain. Detective Comics #168 revealed that the Joker started out as a small-time thief named the Red Hood. After robbing a playing...
Joker,the much-discussed new movie featuring Joaquin Phoenix as DC’s dark Clown Prince, creates a never-before-seen origin story for the infamous super-villain. Introduced as Arthur Fleck, Phoenix embodies a man struggling with both mental illness and to find some sort of meaning in an existe...
An original hardcover graphic novel that tells the story of one very dark night in Gotham City--from the creative team behind the graphic novel LEX LUTHOR: MAN OF STEEL. The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's none to happy about what's happened to his Gotham...
It's revealed in Batman: Three Jokers that the story of The Killing Joke is canon, Batman indeed did not kill the Joker at the end and that this incarnation of the Joker (known as the Comedian) is actually the current Joker that Batman has been fighting from New 52 and onwards, having...
<Our Story>第二幕Jack的故事*剧透注意*有大量刀注意原曲:sound horizon 《光と闇の童話》词&手书:天台歌手:白和声:天台后期:寒砧er*一切对歌曲的解释权归原曲所有*填词有参考原歌词*此翻唱仅仅为同好交流的同人作品,禁止二传到任何地方P.S.:感谢帮忙上了部分色的雅梦
The Joker also murdered Jason Todd, the second Robin, in the story "A Death in the Family (Batman story arc)|A Death in the Family". Jason Todd discovers that a woman who may be his birth mother is being blackmailed by the Joker. She betrays her son to keep from having her medical...
THE ALFEE 2021"baby come back"线上演唱会歌曲名字:Shout「Shout」是THE ALFEE 于 2006年发行并收录在专辑《ONE -Venus of Rock-》里的歌曲。THE ALFEE乐队的三位爷爷都是主唱,唱功了得,出道五十年如一日,未曾中断过演出,至今七十岁高龄仍坚持每年多达六十
As he approached Joker, Bob pointed his pistol at him on the quickest draw of his life, ready to protect Jack. Joker motioned to Bob and Lawrence to stand down and let Wayne speak. Bruce leaned in and whispered that he knew Napier's true identity, he then proceeded to tell a story ...
Smile! It’s the Joker! Battle Batman’s number-one foe in these wildly entertaining games. That face. That suit.That bloodcurdling laugh. Few villains have captivated comic book fans quite like the Joker. And with these great games and apps, you can enjoy the many sides of DC’s Clown...