But when a vile young criminal calling himself the Joker (Heath Ledger) suddenly throws the town into chaos, the caped Crusader begins to tread a fine line between heroism and vigilantism. Released: 2008 Directed by: Christopher Nolan Dig Deeper Gaping Plot Holes You Won't Be Able To Unsee...
The series' memorable villains, such as Heath Ledger's unforgettable portrayal of the Joker, challenge Batman's code and further cement the franchise's status as a high watermark in geek culture. Moreover, the trilogy's stunning visuals, intricate plotting, and thought-provoking themes make it ...
It was just the way Ledger said it. Just the way he played the whole part. I have to say, he really scared me as the Joker. R.I.P. Heath Ledger! "Luke, I am your father." So what? That quote is just stupid.I think Joker's "Why so serious?" is far more brilliant and ...
The Crow: Directed by Alex Proyas. With Brandon Lee, Rochelle Davis, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott. The night before his wedding, musician Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally murdered by members of a violent gang. On the anniversary of their death,
Angered, the Joker played it off but soon tried to change the optics. He went onto Howie Mandel's TV show, having strapped a bomb to Howie, and forced him to recount his joke about Harley and the Joker breaking up. The Joker then took this opportunity to broadcast to the world that ...
Hence, Batman seems closer to becoming another Joker than he thinks. Related: Which Live-Action Batman Has The Most Villains? But as much as Batman resembles his villains in many ways, there's also the fact that most Batman foes are extremely manipulative. For instance, Heath Ledger's Joker...
Heath Ledger, who played the Joker, stated in an interview that he was given a copy of The Killing Joke as reference for the role. The most apparent influence of the graphic novel on the narrative itself would be the Joker's concept of his past as being "multiple choice" – in the ...
Pennyworth, Heath Ledger as the Joker, Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes, Gary Oldman as James Gordon and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. The Dark Knight was released July 18, 2008 in the United States. ...
There's a scene in "The Dark Knight" when Batman is threatening the Joker, he says. This is the role that Heath Ledger posthumously won an Academy Award for but that many point to as the beginning of his personal descent. A documentary later revealed that the troubled actor ...
Joker embodies and expresses that ‘just do what you want and not think about the consequences’ impluse, with his nihilism as the excuse. If life is meaningless, why don’t you just kill a random stranger for the kicks, or quit your job and go skydiving while naked, or take ALL the...