In Kano's MK Vs. DC Universe ending, he becomes a Joker-like killer in his universe. In MK9, Shang Tsung has a Fatality where he morphs into a red-nose-and-makeup clown, and then shoots with a gun that first gives off a BANG! flag, only to then really shoot the enemy, with ...
In the middle of a job, the Joker recalls how he once lived with his abusive Aunt Eunice, who was eager to separate him from his childish attachment to a monkey puppet he called "Gaggy". She would wash his skin with bleach, and brag of how she murdered his uncle Howard by giving ...
However, it turned out Joker made up his childhood story by plagiarizing from Ivy's horrible childhood.[3] It's implied, like the other incarnations of him, nobody truly has any idea of what the Joker's true origin is, possibly not even himself, and he simply makes up multiple ...
The Joker was a psychopathic anarchist, nihilist, and criminal mastermind (self-professed "agent of chaos") who rose to power in the criminal underworld by thrusting Gotham City into turmoil, and drew Batman ever closer to crossing the line between hero and vigilante. Heath Ledger, the actor ...
DC Films (2016-2023) The Batman Live-Action Television Batman Birds of Prey Gotham Batwoman Gotham Knights The Penguin Animated Films Mask of the Phantasm Return of the Joker Gotham Knight Under the Red Hood Assault on Arkham Return of the Caped Crusaders Animated Televis...
Considering the comic is also canon to the main DC universe, the Joker clearly didn't die. Nevertheless, it's unknown if the film wanted to intend that or not. In the original comic, the Joker had deliberately jumped into the vat instead of tripping over his cape and falling in by ...
then arrives and will allow Joker to have his sister, if he releases his mother. Incomplete There's something missing here. This section of the article is incomplete, and contains information, but requires more before it can be considered complete. You can help DC Database by editing this ...
DC Films (2016-2023) The Batman Live-Action Television Batman Birds of Prey Gotham Batwoman Gotham Knights The Penguin Animated Films Mask of the Phantasm Return of the Joker Gotham Knight Under the Red Hood Assault on Arkham Return of the Caped Crusaders Animated Televis...
Coincidentally, the Joker inThe Killing Jokealso had a wife (Jeanniein that case). She also played a role in the Joker's fall into evil (in that case, due to dying in an accident that was related to a baby bottle heater) and there were some hints that she may not have actually exis...
TheJOKERis a fictional character, a super villain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman’s life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon and the death o...