South Carolina South Carolinian South Caucasian south celestial pole South China Sea South Dakota South Dakotan South Devon South Downs South Dravidian South Equatorial Current South Frigid Zone South Gate South Georgia South Georgian South Glamorgan ...
And when you see its animation style and take note of all the emotion conveyed, you won't be surprised to hear that this is a Richard Linklater (Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly, Slacker) joint. And this time, he's brought his lens and charm to the summer of 1969, as the first moon...
SURGICAL TREATMENT OF INTERNAL DERANGEMENT OF THE KNEE JOINT AMONG TROOPS IN TRAINING AT FORT JACKSON, SOUTH CAROLINAAnimalsRats, Inbred StrainsRatsBlood VesselsCentral Nervous SystemOlfactory BulbNerve FibersNerve EndingsAcetylcholinesteraseGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone...
This is a large and important American-origin emerald, from the famous 1960s finds at the North Carolina hiddenite locality. Such crystals, with good shape, color, and size, are almost impossible to obtain and it is thought that only a few dozen exist in this size and quality (with larger...
At 1:05 p.m., while Trump was still addressing the crowd at the Ellipse, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gaveled in the joint session inside the Capitol to begin certifying Biden’s Electoral College win. Outside the Capitol, pro-Trump supporters were already breaking through police barriers.Roughl...
This also from the same man who publiclythreatened the lifeof Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for alleged disloyalty because Milley refused to support a coup attempt against American democracy and the Constitution. And from the same man who has repeatedly threatene...
However, it was actually a joint effort with son, Robert, through their mutually-owned Robert Stephenson & Company (a builder which supplied locomotives to a number of early American railroads). This particular unit won the legendary Rainhill Trials held during October of 1829 on the Liverpool ...
the Choctaws and Chickasaws signed a joint treaty with the U.S. government that included several concessions. First, they had to agree to abolish slavery (which had already ended outside of Indian Territory the previous year) and give these newly emancipated people (often referred to asfreedmen...
In January, [psychopath]s in [Indiana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Carolina] introduced proposals to make…harming a fertilized egg or fetus punishable under homicide statutes, with no exceptions for women who get abortions…These measures would leave pregnant women who [miscarry or] seek ...