Founded in 1951,The Joint Commissionseeks to continuously improve healthcare for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of...
The Joint Commission: an update on new developments for healthcare security and safety professionalsKendig, JamesJournal of Healthcare Protection Management
根據JCAHO(TheJointCommissiononAccreditationofHealthcare.doc,94年度易混淆藥品分析報告 藥劑科 李國聖 藥師 根據JCAHO(The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare) 2005Improve the safety of using medications( 每年至少檢視及確認一次醫院內使用藥品中
MS, RN, CPAN, CAPARECENTLY, THE JOINT Commission on Ac-creditation of Healthcare Organizations(JCAHO) unveiled substantially revised accredi-tation standards for 2004. 1 The standards, effec-tive January 1, 2004, are for hospitals, homecare organizations, ambulatory...
Newport Academy’s accreditation from The Joint Commission makes it clear to the public and within the treatment field that our programs meet the highest standards for quality healthcare.Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission is the nation’s oldest and largest healthcare accrediting body, ensuring ...
aToo sad so still is inferior to pretend don't care about anything. 太哀伤那么仍然是下等假装对任何东西不关心。 [translate] a. spend . 花费 [translate] aThe hospital is fully accredited by The Joint Commission on the accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the nation's oldest and largest ...
In addition, the accreditation process ensures that patient safety is the primary focus of the entity's operations. What is the purpose of the Joint Commission? The Joint Commission is a non-profit body that conducts extensive surveys to measure a healthcare entity's success as it relates to ...
More from The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 29 February 2024 Opinions of Nurses and Physicians on a Patient, Family, and Visitor Activated Rapid Response System in Use Across Two Hospital Settings More opportunities to publish your research: ...
Dorothy Fogg RN, MA Perioperative nursing specialistAORN Journal
JCI is a subsidiary body of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) for the certification of medical institutions outside the United States. The JCI criteria is a worldwide recognized, representing the highest level of hospital services and hospital management, and ...