This article announces that The Joint Commission is redesigning their extranet Web site, The Joint Commission Connect ™ (formerly "Jayco ® "), due to launch in the second quarter of 2007.joint commission perspectives
CJX Criminal justice eXtranet links police pnn network to other govt networks CLA Civil Legal Advice CLA Civil Legal Aid CM Custodial Manager A Band 5 prison officer. 3 stripes on their epaulettes CNA certified normal accommodation
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet). Read MoreNSFNET...
Competition We compete in the networking and communications equipment markets, providing products and services for transporting data, voice, and video traffic across intranets, extranets, and the Internet. These markets are characterized by rapid change, converging technologies, and a migration to ...
Nokia is the project leader for Hexa-X, the European Commission’s 6G flagship initiative for research into the next generation of wireless networks The Hexa-X vision is to connect human, physical and digital worlds with a fabric of 6G technology enablers ...
Andy and I sat and talked for awhile, and at that point what I started discussing with them was the idea of an extranet portal option for the hotels because the idea of faxing allocations – which everybody was doing at the time – it didn't make sense to me. If you are going to...
A client extranet is a secure and private space for each client, where the client can communicate with his or her attorney securely, documents can be archived, the client can check the status of a case or matter, and legal fee billings can be presented and reviewed, if not actually paid ...
doi:Joint Commission ResourcesThis article announces that The Joint Commission has revised the posting time of scheduled events on The Joint Commission Connect extranet site to 7:30am in the organization's local time zone for organizations within the United States and its territories, effective ...
Joint Commission Focus: The Joint Commission Launches Strategic Surveillance System and Redesigned ExtranetExplains the features of the Joint Commission''s redesigned extranet site, The Joint Commission Connect™, as well as the launch of the Strategic Surveillance System for hospitals....
The Joint Commission worked with the American Hospital Association and several state hospital associations to modify its Accreditation Contract. As a result, several alternative versions of the Accreditation Contract are available on each organization's secure "Jayco" extranet site.joint commission ...