"When you're going through school, it's year round and you come out with $200,000 in debt. My wife and I were looking at The Joint throughout chiropractic college. It was pretty enticing to us to get into a franchise where we wouldn't be alone. The license prices aren't too high...
Information for Franchisees Here's what you need to know if you're interested in opening a The Joint Chiropractic franchise.Financial Requirements & Ongoing Fees Here's what you can expect to spend to start the business and what ongoing fees the franchisor charges throughout the life of ...
” said Peter D. Holt, president and CEO of The Joint Corp. “As champions of chiropractic, The Joint Chiropractic Endowed Scholarship is our way of supporting the profession and greater community, as well as investing in the future of Logan University’...
The article presents information on the rise of the Tucson, Arizona- based Joint Corp. It highlights that the franchise offers affordable and accessible chiropractic care and points out that the 200th franchise of the company has been sold recently. It also informs that 18 franchisee owners of ...
we ask that you refrain from coming into the building if you are experiencing active symptoms of illness of any kind. Come on in when you arrive for your appointment, and text Dr. Julie (720-524-7747) to let her know that you’re here. We will have masks on hand in case ...
亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔,2024年10月29日 / PRNewswire / - 纳斯达克股市公司The Joint Corp. (纳斯达克:JYNT) ,美国最大的脊医护理特许经营商通过The Joint Chiropractic网络,宣布其最新消息 PR Newswire10/29 20:50 Adena Health将围产保健提升到爱文思控股水平 在涉及孩子的出生时,家庭希望知道他们能获得最优质的护...
chiropractic FromtheGreek“cheiro”and“praktikos,”meaningdonebyhand,”thisis amanipulativetherapybasedonthediagnosisandtreatmentofmechanicaljointdisordersandtheireffectsonthenervoussystem. DictionaryofUnfamiliarWordsbyDiagramGroupCopyright©2008byDiagramVisualInformationLimited ...
Dr. Choi graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. However, due to the powerful experience of chiropractic, he was inspired to go back to school and take courses in biological science to pursue a career in chiropractic. ...
We have developed a therapeutic garment which works to reduce effects of hip dysplasia by stimulating the proprioceptive system in a strategic way to engage the gluteal, epaxial and abdominal muscles as the dog moves, with the goal of enhancing the dynamic stability of the hip joint, thereby ...
Comparing the Effectiveness of Chiropractic Manipulation and Muscle Energy Technique in Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Treatmentdoi:10.53811/ijtcmr.1023789Hatik, Sefa HaktanTekin, DemetBayram, Korhan BarisInternational Journal of Traditional & Complementary Medicine Research...