The kinetics of isothermal phase transformations have been described by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kohnogorov (JMAK) phenomenological model since the 40's. Although many theoretical investigators have given a fundamental contribution to extend the range of applicability of the model, the experimentalists kee...
Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov modelquasi-static approximationsimultaneous nucleationMonte CarloOn the basis of the quasi-static approximation and for simultaneous nucleation the adatom lifetime, tau, during film growth at solid surfaces has been computed by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The quantity DN...
It is shown that the Avrami-Johnson-Mehl (AJM) model of phase transformations described by Shewmon (1969, Transformations in Metals (New York: McGraw Hill)) requires slight modification to include the finite initial volume in a transformation event. It is then demonstrated that AJM approaches cann...
The kinetics of β to α transformation are modelled in the framework of the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami theory.doi:10.1533/9781845695866.2.117Wei ShaSavko MalinovTitanium Alloys
THE JOHNSON-MEHL-AVRAMI MODEL APPLIED TO MARTENSITIC KINETICS IN AUSFORMED COOPER BASED SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY.CuAlNi shape memory alloys which are used as sensors and actuators have also been investigated recently as materials for medicine devices. This study shows the influence of the thermo - ...
It is shown that the Avrami–Johnson–Mehl (AJM) model of phase transformations (P.G. Shewmon, Transformations in Metals, McGraw-Hill,New York,1969) requires modification to include the finite volume transformed in a nucleation event and that this can change, subtly, the kinetics of transformati...
J. Wang et al., Limitation of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation for the kinetic analysis of crystallization in a Ti-based… 309 the whole temperature range, which is consistent with pre- viously reported results [21]. In this work, the kinetic analy- ...
The kinetics of crystallization processes in solids are usually described by the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami equation. One of the most popular methods to test the applicability of this equation is based on a double logarithmic plot of fraction crystallized (α). However, such plot is not very sensitive...
Malek J and Mitsuhashi T.Testing Methods for the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Equation in Kinetic Analysis of Crystallization Processes. Journal of the American Ceramic Society . 2000J. Malek, T. Mitsuhashi, Testing method for the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation in kinetic analysis of crystallization processes,...
The Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model, which is a nucleation and growth Poissonian process in space, has been implemented by taking into account spatial correlation among nuclei. This is achieved through a detailed study of a system of distinguishable and correlated dots (nuclei). The ...