4). However, the hospitalization forecasts also indicate that without the more aggressive interventions, such as those modeled in scenarios 4 and 5, there would be a high risk that predicted cases will exceed existing county-level hospital capacities (Table 2). This serious outcome will also ...
(e.g., the study reporting both on number of infections and number of hospitalizations), priority was given to outcomes in the following order: Number, rate, or proportion of (1) outbreaks or (2) LTCF contamina- tions, followed by (3) infections, (4) hospital admission and (5) deaths...
Management of the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a significant challenge to policy makers. This is in large part due to uneven reporting and the absence of open-access visualization tools to present local trends and infer healthcare needs. Here we re
Katherine Auger, MD, MSc | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center To Dr. Courtemanche: Thank you for this thoughtful comment. We conducted additional analyses to address the concern that our original models did not adequately account for non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) enacted around ...
Physicians, dentists, medical practitioners and allied healthcare professionals; clinic, practice and hospital administrators, managers and executives; nurses, business, graduate and medical school students; benefits managers, TPAs, HMOs and payers; financial planners, accountants, insurance agents and IT ...
Real world data automatically updated every three hours from Johns Hopkins CSSE (https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV) via https://github.com/ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker-api country population data (https://github.com/samayo/country-json) can exclude countries, e.g. world without Chin...
11 Constantine G Lyketsos1 1Johns Hopkins University Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment Center, Baltimore, MD, 2Functional Neuromodulation Ltd, Minneapolis, MN, 3Department of Neurology, Butler Hospital, 4Department of Neurology, Rhode Island Hospital, 5Department of Neurology, Warren Alpert Medical ...
Similarly, the NHS in the UK has built Nightingale Hospital in London and is planning two more hospitals, one in Bristol and one in Harrogate [40]. In the United States, medical hospitals were created in a number of highly affected COVID-19 regions mostly reconfiguring large convention ...
D.B. CHEEK (Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore): This role of methylation in the formation of surface active material is of great interest to us. For some years we have emphasized the role ofadrenalin in the respira- tory distress syndrome where high concentrations of catecholamine are found in...
including the number of inbound international tourists, hospital beds per capita, physicians per capita, nurses per capita, percent elderly, population density, the confirmed case rate, and mandatory BCG vaccination status (𝑎a), while 𝑍Z represents our only time-variant control, NPI policy st...