Embark on a time-traveling quest with a stoic samurai warrior as he battles against the forces of darkness in order to return to his own time period. This critically acclaimed series seamlessly blends breathtaking action sequences, stunning visuals, and compelling storytelling into a captivati...
The Jetsons September 23, 1962 1,666 votes Set in a dazzling future filled with robots, flying cars, and other advanced technology, this prime-time animated sitcom followed the lives of George Jetson and his family as they navigated the pitfalls and perils of their futuristic utopia. With its...
(Tron,The 7D,Phineas and Ferbmovies,Goof Troop). Although it would seem strange that such a prolific animation studio would work on an unauthorized film, copyright law in Taiwan during the time period Doraemon: Robot War was made wasn't seen as something to worry about by Taiwanese film ...
pledged to deliver on a promise of the Jetsons, it gave itself just three years to do so. The … Continue reading → Posted in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles | Tagged driverless cars, Elon Musk, flying cars, hyperloop, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, motorcycles, Skai, Tesla, Toyota...
You arent really going to get fantastic CGI visuals in this time period. It really is an interesting watch though. Although it bothered me a lot knowing that the show did not have a real ending. Nothing on confronting Moriarty and him finally dying or being thrown in jail. The show just...
the jerk the jetsons the jewels of the fqs the jigsaw puzzle the jim pattison grou the jolly gangs spook the journal of aesthe the journal of americ the journal of invest the journal of specia the journal of the pl the journey begins the journey was not a the joyfulness of the the jud...
restaurants don’t have enough workers, the remaining staff must work harder. Regardless, customers face longer wait times, fewer menu choices and higher prices.2These robots are not exactly modeled after Rosey, the Jetsons’ robotic household servant, but they are pretty clever (and very cute)...
talk about the future. And it’s for this reason that, starting this Friday, I’ll begin to explore the world of “The Jetsons” one episode at a time. Each week I’ll look at a new episode from the original 1962-63 series, beginning with the premiere episode, “Rosey the Robot.”...
One of the most famous Caseys in recent memory was the DJ Casey Kasem, the king of the Top 40 countdown and whom some parents may have named their children after in the same time period. #19. Girl: Lisa Canva #19. Girl: Lisa - 2000-21 rank: #605 (11,039 newborns named Lisa) ...
The Jetsons, which debuted as a prime-time show in 1962, is considered a classic today, but it didn’t gain that status until the 1980s when it re-debuted on Saturday mornings with new episodes. And so, when Scooby-Doo came along in 1969, six years after The Jetsons was canceled, ...