The Jetsons September 23, 1962 1,666 votes Set in a dazzling future filled with robots, flying cars, and other advanced technology, this prime-time animated sitcom followed the lives of George Jetson and his family as they navigated the pitfalls and perils of their futuristic utopia. With its...
If I had a choice between Hanna-Barbera's Flintstones or the Jetsons, I would have to say the Jetsons. The Jetsons cartoon has robots and spaceships! Rosie, the maid robot was (and is) a sweet, caring robot. She added charm to the cartoon that complimented the other characters. Rosie ...
The Jetsons (1962) Carl Benton Reid Jack Donohue 1 In a Lonely Place (1950) Rolfe Sedan Headwaiter 1 Ninotchka (1939) Ed Parker Judo Student #1 1 The Money Jungle (1967) Eddie Applegate Bob Mooney 1 Easy A (2010) Bern Hoffman Sgt. Robbins 1 Li'l Abner (1959)...
The Jetsons(1962) Charley Britt Charley / Charlie / Movie Theater Patron 27 The Pink Garter Gang(1971) Kathleen Field Party Guest / Maid / Restaurant Patron / Bank and Restaurant Patron / Bus Passenger / …See more 27 The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet(1952) ...
Robots used to be found only in science fiction. In the 1960s, the animated space-age family the Jetsons had a robotic maid who could do household chores. In real life robots function in many manufacturing and household situations. In the filed of medicine, robot patients help train doctors...
Robotic Maid From The Jetsons One Step Closer To RealityNews Staff
Enabot Ebo SE robot review ByTheresa Villeneuve/June 14, 2021/Reviews/Robot/3 Comments REVIEW – If you have read much of my stuff on this website, you know that I’m pretty disappointed in “the future.” I mean, the closest thing I can get to Rosie the maid in “The Jetsons” is...
Where’s my flying car!?! Where’s my robot maid?!? “The Jetsons” and everything they represented were seen by so many not as a possible future, but a promise of one. This nostalgia for the futurism of yesteryear has very real consequences for the way that we talk about ourselves ...
TYLER HOECHLIN It’s not my fault you let it happen. BLAKE JENNER You’re like the robot maid in the Jetsons. RYAN GUZMAN Yeah, I don’t knowwhyI wear a bustier. BLAKE JENNER What’s her name, Rosie? Is that the maid?
Meet George Jetson and his family. In the distant future, the Jetsons are an ordinary family. They just happen to have a robot maid, a flying car, and all kinds of other outlandish gadgets and gizmos. This animated sitcom from the legendary Hanna-Barbera Productions features some of yesteryea...