The Jetsons Effect: How a Cartoon Imagined the Future and Changed TV Forever When The Jetsons premiered in 1962, it wasn’t just a TV show; it was a vision of tomorrow.As the first animated series broadcast in color during prime time, it dazzled audiences with its kaleidoscope of futuristi...
The Jetsons September 23, 1962 1,666 votes Set in a dazzling future filled with robots, flying cars, and other advanced technology, this prime-time animated sitcom followed the lives of George Jetson and his family as they navigated the pitfalls and perils of their futuristic utopia. With its...
The Jetsons George O'Hanlon, Penny Singleton, Janet Waldo 3,485 votes Blast off into a retro-futuristic world where flying cars are commonplace, robotic maids serve families, jetpacks abound – all set against a backdrop of space-age adventures. This beloved animated sitcom about a worki...
The Jetsons (1962) Keene Curtis Balthazar / Additional Voices 18 Sliver (1993) Kenneth Mars King Bullrush / Additional Voices / Julius Geezer 17 What's Up, Doc? (1972) Hal Smith Sludge / Additional Voices / Gizmo Boggs / Mr. Knott 17 The Great Race (1965) Will Ryan Sli...
The Jetsons, an American animated series from the 1960s about a nuclear family living in a satirical version of the twenty-first century, complete with complex and funny inventions, inspired millions to fantasise about the future state of technology and life at home. Smart toothbrushes, robot cle...
7The Jetsons Retro-futurist family sitcom The Jetsonsis a time capsule of attitudes from the 1960s, as humanity started to venture furtively into space and the future seemed imminent. Hanna-Barbera's space age counterpart toThe Flintstoneshas aged beautifully, turning from aspirational sci-fi into...
Hanna-Barbera's sci-fi sitcom "The Jetsons" debuted in 1962, only two years after the studio had a major hit with "The Flintstones". The logic behind "The Jetsons" seemed to be that if one show could work in the distant past, then a very similar show ought to work in the distant ...
Years ago, I was hired by a well-known corporation to interpret a speech by an important politician to be broadcasted to millions around the world. Some would listen to the speech live, others would listen to the recording, and portions of the speech, and my rendition, would be played by...
The Jetsons Cereal (1990) a.tuchon-8 via eBay/Canva The Jetsons Cereal (1990) Tiny Toon Adventures (1990) kingvintage16 via eBay/Canva Tiny Toon Adventures (1990) The Addams Family (1991) Justice Brothers Gen2 via eBay/Canva The Addams Family (1991) ...
Shocked no one mentioned him, but William Hanna was a co founder of Hanna Barbera studios, who created some of the most iconic cartoons, such as Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo, The Flintstones, The Jetsons etc... His cartoons will live on in the archives for many generations to come....