The Jetsons George O'Hanlon, Penny Singleton, Janet Waldo 3,485 votes Blast off into a retro-futuristic world where flying cars are commonplace, robotic maids serve families, jetpacks abound – all set against a backdrop of space-age adventures. This beloved animated sitcom about a worki...
The Jetsons is not as funny and smart, but it is still very good. It has great animation, good music, original and interesting ideas in terms of episodes and concept(the misadventures of a futuristic family, love the idea) and the characters especially George, Elroy and Judy(the latter of...
All The Best Shows on HBO Max Entourage Cast List The Best Comedy Shows On Max, Right Now Must-See Recent Docuseries The Best Shows on HBO Max in 2024 The Best New HBO Series of the Last Few Years Best Characters in HBO Series The Top Drama Series on HBOTV...
The Jetsons are a futuristic family who reside in Orbit City, an above-ground community. George (George O'Hanlon), the oblivious husband, and his homemaker wife Jane (Penny Singleton) are the family's leaders. While working, they raise their infant son Elroy (Daws Butler) and teenage daught...
The Jetsons Effect: How a Cartoon Imagined the Future and Changed TV Forever Dec 3TVfanatic Why Rick Moranis Disappeared From Hollywood Dec 2Slash Film Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What is the streaming release date of The Flintstones (1994) in Mexico...
Mario (The Jetsons: Robot Panic-Style) Mario (The Powerpuff Girls GBC-Style) Mario (The Wing Of Madoola-Style) Mario (Tiny Toon Adventures-Style) Mario (Valis NES-Style) Mario (VVVVVV-Style) Mario (Wai Wai World-Style) Mario (Wario Blast-Style) Mario (Wario Land 4-Style)...
Well yeah, but the simpsons being there kind of feels off, i get that at heart is a funny thing that family guy copied the simpsons but it felt like a diservice, lots of thing that make the simpsons characters to be more of assholes than the griffin family and that aint a good ...
Also, just as "The Flintstones" spawned its own sci-fi "sister series" in "The Jetsons," Groening felt that "The Simpsons" should have its own comedy/sci-fi counterpart. Groening has long been a fan of old science-fiction movies, and he long had an interest in starting his own sci-...
The Jetsons(1962) B.J. Ward Actress 13 The Pagemaster(1994) Peter Renaday Actor 13 Assassin's Creed(2007) Al Fann Actor 13 Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot(1992) Bill Scott J.B. 13 The Bullwinkle Show(1959) Shepard Menken Actor 13 ...
Writers Harry Winkler (written by) | Tatsuo Yoshida (characters) Producer John Ledford See all filmmakers & crew (8) Status Edit Released Updated 1979-4-23 Release date 四月23, 1979 (United States) Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for Siege of the Squids. ...