The Jetsons George O'Hanlon, Penny Singleton, Janet Waldo 3,485 votes Blast off into a retro-futuristic world where flying cars are commonplace, robotic maids serve families, jetpacks abound – all set against a backdrop of space-age adventures. This beloved animated sitcom about a worki...
To that end, here are 10 sets of cartoon characters whose voices are practically interchangeable…10 Scooby-Doo and AstroThe Jetsons, which debuted as a prime-time show in 1962, is considered a classic today, but it didn’t gain that status until the 1980s when it re-debuted on Saturday...
The Jetsons are a futuristic family who reside in Orbit City, an above-ground community. George (George O'Hanlon), the oblivious husband, and his homemaker wife Jane (Penny Singleton) are the family's leaders. While working, they raise their infant son Elroy (Daws Butler) and teenage daught...
Everyone has a favorite cartoon character. See if yours is included on this list of the top 50 cartoon characters of all time.
The Jetsons Cartoon Network Storybook Millionaire Astro 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:作者:Landoll, Inc.出品人:页数:12译者:出版时间:1996-1价格:0.00装帧:isbn号码:...
Play cartoon games online byIle De Casinowith your favorite Cartoon characters, like Avatar, Ben 10, Dora, Diego, Spiderman, Batman, Bratz and more! Choose one of the cartoon game categories, and you will find many of your favorite free online games there. ...
William Hanna (right) and Joseph Barbera posing with some of their cartoon characters, 1988.(more) The Flintstones was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, an animation studio founded by Academy Award-winning producers William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The studio was known for its use of limited...
Sources say two of the most popular cartoon series of the 1960s, "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons," will likely be released on DVD sometime this year.(Ch... As a representative heuristic search algorithm of structure learning algorithms for Bayesian network, K2 algorithm is easily trapped ...
The Jetsons: Rosie Come Home (Cartoon Classics) (机器翻译:杰森: 罗西回家的 (卡通经典)) 作者:Lisa Ann Marsoli 出版社:Bedrock Press ISBN(13位):9781570361784 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:61 市场价:¥ 69.8 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 精装 九成新¥ 37.00¥ 32.560有货通知...
With characters that included a titular, homeless-footed superhero with a fan for teeth and a pot-bellied, psycho-analyzing mass-rapist in a tiki mask, MTV's The Maxx definitely has its fans. The cartoon---an adaptation of the feted and trippy Image comic book by Sam Kieth---originally ...