Unit-10-The-Jeaning-of-America答案综合教程二 Unit 10 The Jeaning of America Key to the Exercises Text comprehension I. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T III. 1. Because they symbolize “a manly and legitimate passion for equality …”; They draw no distinctions and recognize no ...
应用型大学英语综合教程二(unit2)课后答案及课文PPT 热度: 【大学英语综合教程】第四册答案及课文译文 热度: Unit10TheJeaningofAmerica KeytotheExercises Textcomprehension I. B II. 1.F2.T3.T4.T5.T III. 1.Becausetheysymbolize“amanlyandlegitimatepassi...
Unit 10 The Meaning of America 简介 本章节主要探讨美国的含义。美国作为一个国家,除了自身的实际面貌,还承载了许多指代、隐喻和抽象概念。本章节会通过两篇文章以及书籍《看美国》来分析美国的不同含义。 所阐述的观点 本章节所阐述的观点主要包括以下几点: 1.美国是一种“乐观主义”的国家精神体现。 2.美国是...
【2017年整理】Unit与10TheJeaningofAmerica答案综合教程二.doc,Unit 10 The Jeaning of America Key to the Exercises Text comprehension I. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T III. 1. Because they symbolize “a manly and legitimate passion for equality …”; They d
综合教程2 之The jeaning of America 的翻译.doc 热度: Unit10TheJeaningofAmerica KeytotheExercises Textcomprehension I. B II. 1.F2.T3.T4.T5.T III. 1.Becausetheysymbolize“amanlyandlegitimatepassionforequality„”;Theydrawnodistinction sandrecognizenoclassesandtheyarefavoredbyalltheAmericanpeople. ...
America. IV. 1. They do not show differences in the wearer’s professions and social status; they only show that the wearer is as American as most Americans in jeans. 2. For two years, he worked as a peddler of low social status, dragging heavy bags of various articles from door to ...
Unit-10-The-Jeaning-of-America综合教程二-PPT完整版.ppt,When I was born, my father was a well-to-do master weaver in Scotland. This was the time before the steam engines. He owned no fewer (1) four handlooms and employed apprentices. He wove cloth (2) a m
Unit1Unit10TheJeaningofAmerica. Watchthevideoandanswerthefollowingquestions.Whatwasthegirltalkingabout?2.Doyouoftenwearjeans?Howmuchdoyouknowaboutjeans?Pre-readingActivities-Audiovisualsupplement1AudiovisualsupplementCulturalinformationShewastalkingaboutthesisterhoodandapairofjeans.Open.. ...