The Jazz Theory Book 作者:Mark Levine 出版社:Sher Music 出版年:1995-6-1 页数:522 定价:USD 42.00 装帧:Spiral-bound ISBN:9781883217044 豆瓣评分 9.4 53人评价 5星 83.0% 4星 11.3% 3星 3.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 1.9% 评价: 写笔记 写书评
Mark Levine 所著的 Jazz Theory Book应该是最近十几年里国内学习现代音乐的乐手和学生们使用最多的教材...
The Jazz Theory Book should be in every musician's library regardless of the level of their ability.” — James Moody Once again Mark Levine has made an invaluable contribution to the field of jazz textbooks. The Jazz Theory Book covers a wide range of very useful material. It is quite th...
Mark Levine.The Jazz Theory Book. . 1996The Jazz Theory Book - Levine - 1995 () Citation Context ...ed true in improvisational styles of music such as jazz, where possible communicational parameters include all layers in the musicalsstructure (e.g. melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics) (...
-<The Jazz Theory Book> by Mark Levine 我想很早开始关注上和弦的朋友应该对KC这个名字并不陌生,如果你记不太清,那《Transformula》(变换公式)想起来了吗?必杀技|瞬间提升演奏逼格的12个口诀之一:3id+2id就是那个不按常理出牌,打破了原有的教学规则,重新带着大家审视理论和演奏的KC。这是他其中一个系列教程...
较新 240.00元 北京 wayfarer 2014-03-09 正版纯英文,需要的豆邮,异地邮费自理。 作者: Mark Levine isbn: 9781883217044 书名: The Jazz Theory Book 页数: 522 定价: USD 42.00 出版社: Sher Music 装帧: Spiral-bound 出版年: 1995-6-1 > 去“The Jazz Theory Book”的页面 ©...
The Jazz Theory Bookby Mark Levine This jazz education classic was first published in 1995, and is now used in conservatory classrooms around the world. It covers the main jazz scales and how to deploy them, as well as more advanced concepts like ‘Coltrane changes’ and reharmonisation, givi...
RequiredMaterials: TheJazzTheoryBook-byMarkLevine,availableonAmazon Blankmanuscriptpaper Linedpaperfornotes Pencils Grading: Yourgradeforthecourseiscalculatedasfollows: 20%=Attendance/Participation 20%=In-ClassPerformances/Quizzes 10%=Homework 10%=Transcription 20%=Midterm 20%=Final 100%=Total FinalGrading...
The only Jazz Piano book you need。 Nathan , 2021-08-16 00:00 I haven't worked through many music theory books on my own in the past。 In this case, I left it on the piano and read/played through a a couple of pages every day。 There's still a *ton* of practice needed, ...
首页吉他教学教学合集【下载】Mark Levine 《The Jazz Theory 爵士理论(全)》中文版高清PDF 【下载】Mark Levine 《The Jazz Theory 爵士理论(全)》中文版高清PDF 资源下载此资源下载价格为10易币,请先登录 1易币=1元! 标价仅展示,充值不了!需要资源加下面微信发红包获取,最低充值30,用不完的发用户名,人工冲...