the jazz singer《爵士歌手》(The Jazz Singer)是世界上第一部有声电影,具有里程碑式的意义。以下是对该电影的详细介绍: 一、电影基本信息 《爵士歌手》由艾伦·克罗斯兰执导,阿尔•乔生、梅·麦卡沃伊和华纳·欧兰德等演员主演。这部电影于1927年10月6日在美国上映,标志着电影从无...
又 名爵士歌王 The Jazz Singer Der J... 编剧Samson Rap...Alfred A. ... 主 演阿尔·乔生梅·麦卡沃伊华纳·欧兰德Eugenie BessererOtto Lederer 剧情 剧情描述一个犹太拉比的儿子一心想成为百老汇明星,唱歌跳舞。此举遭到家长的强烈反对。他们只想让他成为犹太教仪式中的领唱。但是深深热爱爵士乐的儿子一心只...
“The Jazz Singer” has so many things wrong with it that a review threatens to become a list. Let me start with the most obvious: This movie is about a man who is at least 20 years too old for such things to be happening to him. “The Jazz Singer” looks ridiculous giving usNeil...
由Richard Fleischer执导的电影《爵士歌手》(The jazz singer)是一部融合了剧情与音乐元素的作品。这部电影在1927年首次亮相,以美国为背景,时长115分钟,展现了一段丰富而引人入胜的故事。影片的主演阵容强大,劳伦斯·奥利弗(Laurence Olivier)以其精湛的演技吸引了观众的目光,而James Booth和Franklyn ...
The Jazz Singer: Directed by Alan Crosland. With Al Jolson, May McAvoy, Warner Oland, Eugenie Besserer. The son of a Jewish Cantor must defy the traditions of his religious father in order to pursue his dream of becoming a jazz singer.
1想看 片 名爵士歌手 上映时间1980年12月17日(美国) 导 演理查德·弗莱舍 又 名爵士歌手 The Jazz Singer 编剧Samson Rap...Stephen H... 主 演尼尔·戴蒙德劳伦斯·奥利弗Lucie ArnazCatlin AdamsFranklyn Ajaye 剧情 影史上第一部有声片《爵士歌王》的故事第二度重拍,邀请七十年代着名流行歌手尼尔.戴蒙德亲自...
The Jazz Singer: Directed by Richard Fleischer, Sidney J. Furie. With Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier, Lucie Arnaz, Catlin Adams. The son of a Jewish Cantor must defy the traditions of his religious father in order to pursue his dream of being a popular s
The Jazz Singer The son of a Jewish Cantor must defy the traditions of his religious father in order to pursue his dream of being a popular singer. Box office All ReleasesOriginal ReleaseOriginal Release Domestic Grosses Domestic (100%)