The 1920s (The Jazz Age) -- The Second Renaissance in American Literature美国文学的第二次繁荣 The 1920s:他们是新的一代,长大以后发现所有的神祗已经死去,所有的战争已经打完,所有对人类的信念已经动摇。—Fitzgerald 美国文学的第一次高潮出现于19世纪中叶,人们称之为美国的“文艺复兴时期”。以爱默生、...
《华研原版 爵士时代的故事 英文原版短篇小说集 Tales of the Jazz Age 正版进口英语书籍 全英文版书》,作者:华研原版 爵士时代的故事 英文原版短篇小说集 Tales of the Jazz Age 正版进口英语书籍 全英文版书F. Scott Fitzgerald 著,出版社:HarperCollins,ISBN:978000
爵代风华- 爵士的黄金时代 The_Jazz_Age TheJazzAge Societyinthe1920sMassMediaintheJazzAgeCulturalConflicts TheJazzAge The1920swereatimeofrapidsocialchangeinwhichmanypeople–particularlywomen–adoptednewlifestylesandattitudes.SettingtheStage 1880s:Industrializationandimmigration.WWIacceleratedurbanizationand...
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当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《爵士时代的故事 英文原版 Tales of the Jazz Age 短篇小说集 英文版 Fitzgerald, F. Scott》。最新《爵士时代的故事 英文原版 Tales of the Jazz Age 短篇小说集 英文版 Fitzgerald, F. Scott》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽
The Jazz Age: With Kevin McHugh, David Garfield, Arthur Hewlett, Shirley Knight. Anthology series of plays set during the 1920's.
American Realism: In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism. Realism turned from an emphasis on 18、the strange toward a faithful rendering of ...
7.Which of the following brings LITTLE impact on the development of 20th century literature? A、Friedrich Nietzche’s assertions: “God is dead” B、Arther Schopenharuer’s and Henry Bergson’s philosophical ideas of irrationality. C、Oscar Wilde’s idea of “Art for Art’s Sake”. ...