Jade emperor 相关内容 aI will miss his concern and gentle caring ways,and I will always cherish the moments we had together. I am sorry for the good parts that Harry impressed on me and at I try to pass these benefits on to others. God must have known that I needed an Angel to guid...
网络释义 1. 玉皇大帝 道德天尊——老子 Laozi_于理日_新浪博客 ... 元始天尊 Primus玉皇大帝The Jade Emperor灵宝天尊 Linbao Emperor ... blog.sina.com.cn|基于106个网页 2. 玉帝 和田玉 in English,... ... 玉川市 Tamagawa city in Akita prefecture,Japan玉帝the Jade Emperor玉豆 snap beans ......
A as a queen of this country, I have almost everything I ever wanted. However, I have never experienced the joy of love. But god brings you here. It's God's choice. you will be the king and I will be your queen. We will be together.How pleasant would that be? A proposal to ...
本例中“玉帝”中“玉”字就是一种敬称。詹纳尔译本中将其直译为“Jade Emperor”,可由于文化的差异,并不能体现“玉”字所蕴含的文化信息。道教认为,玉乃山石之精髓,有长生不老之功效。这与道教追求长生不朽的思想是一致的。而英文“jade”并无这种文化伴随意义,因此这个翻译也就无法体现出尊敬的含义了。 例6:...
玉帝the Jade Emperor 太上老君 Lord Lao Zi of the Great Monad 赤脚大仙 the Bare-foot Immortal 托塔李天王 pagoda−bearing Heavenly King 嫦娥the moon maiden 玉兔jade rabbit 龙王the Dragon King 虾兵蟹将 prawn soldiers and crab generals ...
093 G3民间故事_The River God’s Gifts Part 1 金斧头银斧头1 10082019-09 查看更多 猜你喜欢 22.8万 四季民间故事|民间故事 by:四季如春Spring 114.3万 民间故事-收录民间故事 by:倾城之恋_z1 29.6万 民间邪乎事|民间故事|老故事|真实民间故事|鬼故事 by:嗨志远 10.1万 民间鬼故事民间故事(故事会) by...
He told me about his previous life, in which he was a god in the court of the Jade Emperor. His godhood allowed him infinite time to contemplate in the Western Attic. The heavens were vast, the winds cold, but a beautiful woman kept him company. ...
Jade Emperor 玉帝 captain 什么托塔李天王,就是一个将军,这里这类神仙都翻译成captain sage 圣人,像孙悟空的师父菩提老祖,都是属于sage,孙悟空一开始说要拜师,也是去找sage Subodhi 菩提老祖 formula 菩提老祖教给孙悟空的本领,七十二变什么的,本质上就是一种formula ...
The “Small Sage” (Xiaosheng, 小聖) is after all the only god to truly defeat the Monkey King, so he would be a worthy opponent. But lets say the invader somehow gets the upper hand, and so I would pay homage to the original novel by having the Jade Emperor call on Gautama Buddha...
“A little powerful?” The Tiger Immortal looked offended. “I am very powerful!” Wukong laughed. “You’re not as powerful as I am. Did you know that the Jade Emperor is afraid of me? I once defeated his entire army.” The...