Moss: He was asking me questions, I couldn't just ignore him. It's a bit rude, Roy. Roy: So what do you think of it? Moss: I think it's fabulous. Every value I've ever held is being questioned, and I'm loving it. Roy: You don't like it, do you? Jen: The songs are ...
The IT Crowd - Full Cast & Crew67 Metascore 2006-2013 5 Seasons MPI Home Video Comedy TV-14 Watchlist Where to WatchThe comedic misadventures of Roy, Moss and their grifting supervisor Jen, a rag-tag team of IT support workers at a large corporation headed by a hotheaded yuppie. ...
终于做好了跟#IT狂人# #theitcrowd# 学英语的第一集!这一集不仅告诉你怎么感叹 延禧攻略 里各大cp无法取舍,还教你怎么用英语表达 尔晴 的经典名句,甚至请来了#发际线男孩# #杭州租房小吴# 当嘉宾!简直蹭热点小能手,但是干货满满,请立马观看, 视频播放量 418、弹幕量
Classic BAFTA award-winning comedy. Banished from the ivory towers of Reynholm Industries, the IT crowd lurk below ground, avoiding work and social contact in equal measure...
There's an odd marriage for computer geeks and comedy fans coming soon to British TV when a new series starts on Channel 4. The programme's called 'The IT Crowd' and premieres next Friday 3rd February with a double bill. But you don't need to wait until then. Watch the first episode...《The IT Crowd(IT狂人)》是由格拉汉姆·莱因汉、本·福勒执导,克里斯·奥多德、理查德·阿尤阿德、凯瑟琳.帕金森等主演的情景喜剧。讲述了两个算得上电脑爱好者的Moss和Roy加上一个对电脑一窍不通的Jen,三人在地下室里组成
2.Filled with a crowd:a crowded plaza. 3.Having insufficient space for comfort:"When wealthy Dutch settlers began feeling crowded in lower Manhattan, they moved to verdant farmlands north of the city"(Janet Groene). crowd′ed′nessn.
«The IT Crowd»es una serie de la cadena británicaChannel 4que combina las bromas y referencias másgeeksvistas en televisión hasta la fecha con el típico y ácido humor inglés, creando una mezcla explosiva y muy divertida. La serie narra las desventuras de Roy (Chris O’Dowd), un...
《IT 狂人》(The IT Crowd)是一部英国情景喜剧。 📢提示:文章排版原因,观影资源链接地址放在文章结尾👇👇,往下翻就行 📢提示:文章排版原因,观影资源链接地址放在文章结尾👇👇,往下翻就行 故事主要发生在一家大公司的 IT 部门。珍原本对 IT 一窍不通,却被误安排到 IT 部门做主管。罗伊是一个典型的...