The Iron Giant Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick 5 votes In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes' Cold War fable, a giant alien robot (Vin Diesel) crash-lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine, in 1957. Exploring the area, a local 9-year-old boy, Hogarth, discovers...
54 | The Iron Giant,The Iron Giant Warner Bros. Pictures Kind of like a boy-and-his-dog story—if the dog were actually a 50-foot robot—The Iron Gianthas a lot to say about humans’ capacity for violence and fear of the unknown. Though he was most likely intended to be a weapon,...
Thanks to Dean McCoppin (voiced by Harry Connick Jr.), a kind beatnik artist who also runs a local junkyard, Hogarth gets a temporary shelter for his friend. But, of course, the situation has already become quite serious with the arrival of Kent Mansley (voiced byChristopher McDonald), a...
When a paranoid government agent, Kent Mansley, becomes determined to destroy the robot, Hogarth and beatnik Dean McCoppin (Harry Connick Jr.) must do what they can to save the misunderstood machine. Released: 1999 Directed by: Brad Bird Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies About Giant Rob...
#72. The Iron Giant In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes’ Cold War fable, a giant alien robot crash-lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine, in 1957. Exploring the area, a local 9-year-old boy, Hogarth, discovers the robot, and soon forms an unlikely friendship with him....
Steeped in ’50s Americana and Cold War fears, Brad Bird’s first (and still greatest) feature is adapted from Ted Hughes’ 1968 fable “The Iron Man,” about the inter-material friendship between an adventurous boy named Hogarth (Eli Marienthal) and the sentient machine who refuses to serve...
Chatto & Windus/Hogarth Press ad for A Jingle-Jangle Song by Mariana Villa-Gilbert. Mariana Villa-Gilbert, who died recently at the age of 86, spent most of her life as a largely forgotten writer. Her last novel, Manuela: A Modern Myth, came out in 1973 and, like the previous five ...
98. The Iorn Giant As far back as the marvelously old-fashioned The Iron Giant, Brad Bird was envisioning nostalgia-rich universes rich in wit and moral inquiry. Hogarth, a B-movie-obsessed, coffee-drinking latchkey kid from 1950s Maine with a Pee-wee Herman bike, sees his sci-fi dreams...
Like all great children's movies, "The Iron Giant" is a parable with a memorable lesson about acceptance. Hogarth defends the Giant, telling his metal friend he can be whatever he chooses to be, even if others are convinced that he is nothing but a weapon. ...
When a paranoid government agent, Kent Mansley, becomes determined to destroy the robot, Hogarth and beatnik Dean McCoppin (Harry Connick Jr.) must do what they can to save the misunderstood machine. Released: 1999 Directed by: Brad Bird Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies About...