Kind of like a boy-and-his-dog story—if the dog were actually a 50-foot robot—The Iron Gianthas a lot to say about humans’ capacity for violence and fear of the unknown. Though he was most likely intended to be a weapon, the Iron Giant (Vin Diesel) found by nine-year-old Hog...
The Iron Giant Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick 43 votes In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes' Cold War fable, a giant alien robot (Vin Diesel) crash-lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine, in 1957. Exploring the area, a local 9-year-old boy, Hogarth, di...
The Iron Giant Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick 136 votes This animated gem directed by Brad Bird tells the touching tale of a young boy named Hogarth who befriends an enormous alien robot stranded on Earth during the height of Cold War paranoia in 1950s America. As they navig...
#72. The Iron Giant In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes’ Cold War fable, a giant alien robot crash-lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine, in 1957. Exploring the area, a local 9-year-old boy, Hogarth, discovers the robot, and soon forms an unlikely friendship with him. ...
stoking paranoia and framing everything in “us vs. them” terms. It even includes a parody of the ludicrous “duck and cover” PSAs played in classrooms in the 50s. It’s a story about Hogarth Hughes, a curiously wise child who delivers animist monologues about the integrity of the soul...
The story of "The Iron Giant" is set in 1957 and follows Hogarth (Eli Marienthal), a nine-year-old kid living with his single mother Annie (Jennifer Anniston) in Maine. After an unidentified object crashes in the forest near his home, Hogarth investigates and stumbles onto a 50-foot-tall...
A recklessly paranoid agent named Kent Mansley (Christopher McDonald) does everything in his power to destroy the Iron Giant, and it's up to Hogarth and an eccentric beatnik named Dean (Harry Connick Jr.) to try and keep their misunderstood metal friend safe. The film is a phenomenal ...
Lost in Space’sWill Robinson had B-9;Beneath a Steel Sky’sRobert had Joey;Star Wars’ Luke Skywalker had R2D2; and Hogarth hadThe Iron Giant. All of this filled my young and fertile mind with the possibility that one day, I too would have my very own robot best friend. And I ...
A cloud of dust spurted out of the woods and a motorcycle with a sidecar zipped past the crossroads. It had not gone fifty yards past when a shell sent the driver hurtling into the field alongside the highway. Odds and ends of the machine flew up in a cloud of smoke and dust. The...
The Iron Giant Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick 32 votes In this animated adaptation of Ted Hughes' Cold War fable, a giant alien robot (Vin Diesel) crash-lands near the small town of Rockwell, Maine, in 1957. Exploring the area, a local 9-year-old boy, Hogarth, discovers...