The European Fisheries Fund (Grants) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008doi:2008 No. 394介绍性文本1.引用和开始2.解释3.引用理事会条例(EC)1198\\/20064.部门付款5.赠款广告6.赠款申请7.批准申请8.决定通知9.支出或行动证据10.付款方法11.信息12.记录13.收回付款14.权力入口15.障碍16.处罚标志说明...
The Fund is able to fund these activities because of grants, subscriptions, donations and legacies, as well as the income from a diversified portfolio of long term, high yielding, government securities and holdings which enable funds to be made available to meet anticipated short term needs. Back...
Given the number of countries piloting the use of DCE to elicit patient preference to support reimbursement and pricing decisions—Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom—these data might be used more for this purpose in the future. Such pilots are mirrored by the EMA, which recently has bee...
The study investigates the role of market-based finance and public financial support in aiding scaling up by European SMEs. First, we analyse the impact of
researchers to develop nascent ideas before applying for external grants. These funds also provide a new mechanism for funnelling the financial returns from innovation back into University research activities. 教学 Teaching 虽然研究成果可以登上新闻,对于我们大多数学生而言,教育仍然是定义牛津的核心活动。看到...
Ireland's dairy farmers fear EU-China trade war escalation China is looking into Ireland's dairy equipment subsidy scheme, where the government gives grants to farmers to modernize their equipment. Europe 00:17, 09-Oct-2024 This art's rubbish: Dutch museum accidentally bin...
In addition it provides grants to repair places of worship such as churches or abbeys and English Heritage funds archaeology in England. As an overseas visitor, you can purchase a seven or fourteen day Overseas Visitor Pass, which entitles you to free, unlimited, entry to all English Heritage...
This publication has emanated from research supported in part by grants from Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Numbers 16/RC/3918, 12/RC/2289_P2 and 16/RC/3835, and by a grant from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Number 958371. Further gra...
Urban Green Space and Obesity in Older Adults: Evidence from Ireland. SSM Popul. Health 2018, 4, 206–215. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Mowafi, M.; Khadr, Z.; Bennett, G.; Hill, A.; Kawachi, I.; Subramanian, S.V. Is Access to Neighborhood Green Space Associated with BMI among ...
In this research, we acknowledge the support of FEDER/COMPETE/NORTE2020/PORTUGAL2020/POCI/FCT funds through grants NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020, UID/EEA/00147/2013|UID/IEEA/00147/006933–SYSTEC, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000033–Stride, and PTDC-EEI-AUT-2933-2014|16858–TOCCATA. Author Contribution...