'The Intruders' by all means is not perfect. The bulldog is one of those targets that is near impossible to feel anything for, as there are too many times where a character's negative characteristics are exaggerated, in film and television animated or not and whether short or feature length...
Breaking In, an exhilarating and suspenseful thriller, stars Gabrielle Union as a mother who must use her resourcefulness and determination to save her two children, held hostage in their own house by dangerous intruders. Directed by James McTeigue, the film expertly builds tension through its...
In the psychological horror film Mother, Jennifer Lawrence plays the character of a nameless woman living in tranquil isolation with her husband, Him (Javier Bardem). The serenity of their existence is disrupted by mysterious strangers who come to their home uninvited. As these intruders grow in ...
Packed with other indie faves such as Amy Seimetz, Kentucker Audley, and Kate Lyne Sheil, the film devolves into a truly sickening third-act set piece where one by one, the Parish’s followers and its intruders ingest a cyanide-laced beverage and proceed to die elaborately horrible deaths....
New to Netflix - Halloween Inspired Content Breaking the Girls Felony Abducted Pleasure or Pain Violet and Daisy California Scheming Spellbinder Ghoulies The Intruders Horror Hits From The 80's & 90's Child's Play April Fool's Day... See full article at Den of Geek 10/20/2016 Den of ...
The King thinks Ishtar is punishing them because they have sinned, but the High Priest says that the intruders are the sinners. The rebellion of the Mole People is due to them and it is because of their actions that the people may well starve. The intruders encourage disobedience in the ...
, who claim to have abducted Michelle as their only means of saving her from intergalactic intruders. Whether that timing was lifesaving or a little too convenient makes up the meat of the movie: a relentlessly entertaining nail-biter somewhere between “Room” and “War of the Worlds.” —...
Maybe they saw them coming earlier than we did: a bunch of grey reef sharks made their way up the channel, of course, not without taking a closer look at the foreign intruders. As cool and as bold as they appeared to be, their lively eyes were rolling and revealed that they were not...
In the nest below, the baby SQUEAKS angrily at the intruders. ROLAND (cont’d) - - is to get him to come where we want him. The baby SQUEAKS again, indignant. Roland turns and looks down at it. Thinking. CUT TO: 51 EXT RIDGE NIGHT As darkness falls, the hunters have estab...
There’s even some brief discussion of the beloved Rankin/Bass TV holiday specials, so settle in with some eggnog or whatever, keep the fireplace roaring in case of red-coated intruders, and listen to the latest festive episode of GHOULS IN THE HOUSE! And remember, when you’re listening ...