该期刊自引率较低,目前仅有0.9%。在引用《The Innovation》最多的期刊排名中,前三名均为OA期刊,分别是MDPI出版的《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》,15年开始开源的《Nature Communications》,还有Frontiers出版的《Frontiers in Immunology》。 审稿周期与难度 网友反馈平均初审速度为1-2周,审稿周期为6周...
In Grid environment, the two main techniques that are most suitable to cope with the dynamic nature of the grid are load balancing and job replication. In Load balancing algorithm juxtaposes is considered the strong point is neighbour based and cluster based methods. We propose a genetic ...
The Science of Nature - Naturwissenschaften - is Springer's flagship multidisciplinary science journal. The journal is dedicated to the fast publication and ...
The goal of China's diplomacy today is to work towards world peace and promote global development. We value the role of science and technology in diplomacy. For example, China is ready to carry out international space cooperation with other countries on the basis of mutual respect,...
This painting is called "Canopy," and it is an exploration of species that have just been discovered.这幅画名为 《林冠》(Canopy), 它是对于刚发现的物种的探索。 Every single living thing you see in it, every little moss, every insect, each and every thing is new to Western science. 你...
This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go to naturechina.com to subscribe to this journal. Go to naturechina.com Buy this article Purchase on ...
《Nature》《 Science》《The Economist》《The Guardian》等等国外期刊哪里能订阅和下载 金柚未来 4 人赞同了该文章 读外刊学英语确实是一个很有成效的办法,近些年许多考试英语阅读都出自外刊。现在期刊杂志,对于我们来说看电子版,可以是一个更好的选择。但是订阅确是一个大问题,官网订阅各种外刊也是贵出天际,有些...
Journal of the American Chemical Society:IF值15 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION:IF值16.6 ADVANCED MATERIALS:IF值29.4 当然了,JACS是最老牌的期刊,审稿极其严格首当其冲。其次是ANGEW,然后是AM,AM虽然IF高但是懂得都懂。所以这次重点介绍前两位猛将。
在Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics, Nature Biomedical Engineering 等学术期刊上发表论文数篇。研究兴趣包括仿生脑机接口和可穿戴电子设备。 往期推荐 _ 花粉水合过程中渗透压感知的奥秘 _
在国际上,其最新影响因子仅次于《Nature》和《Science》。 在国内,按照最新影响因子排名,这本期刊在所有国产期刊中位居第3位,第一第二分别为eScience和STTT。(感兴趣可以看以往的两篇文章) 国产期刊《eScience》以42.9分影响因子登榜首,能否成为国产《Science》?