December 7, 2024 Zhuhai Xiangzhou North Xingge Jinze Building Project, Zhuhai, China by Aedas. JURY Meet the Jury for the 2024 International Architecture Awards Claudia Donà, Journalist and Design CriticKaren Karapetian, Architect Alexander Tischler LLC.Luke Pearson, ...
Gelendzhik Airport | Gelendzhik, Russia | 2021 Suvarnabhumi International Passenger Terminal II | Bangkok, Thailand | 2024 New 'Salerno-Costa d'Amalfi' Airport | Salerno, Italy | 2022-2026 Los Angeles Sixth Street Viaduct | Los Angeles, California, USA | 2022 ...
国际建筑奖(The International Architecture Awards)由芝加哥雅典娜建筑设计博物馆联手欧洲建筑艺术设计与城市研究中心和Metropolitan Arts Press公司于2004年设立,面向全球范围内的建筑师、建筑公司和城市规划人员征集作品,致力于表彰优质且意义重大的建筑、景观建筑和规划项目,发掘设计领域取得的新进展,突出当下前沿设计实践的发...
2022年国际建筑奖The International Architecture Awards评选结果近日揭晓。°栖息半山的心灵之所 | Santa Maria Goretti ...°新作| 托斯卡纳“山谷浮桥”两个项目从 48 个国家/地区, 450 多个候选项目中脱颖而出,分别荣获修复/更新类、宗教类国际建筑奖!Santa Maria Goretti 教堂,从自然和巴洛克建筑形式中汲取灵感,...
2023 is the eighth consecutive year KPF projects have been recognized in the International Architecture Awards. Read the winner announcements from previous years, starting with 2022here.
The International Architecture Awards 2014Competitionline
2023年国际建筑与设计大奖(INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE&DESIGN AWARDS)获奖名单于日前公布,在来自全球多个国家和地区的数千份参赛作品中,东哲设计作品「一方别院」在众多作品中脱颖而出, 荣获2023ADC国际建筑与设计大奖金奖(GOLD WINNER),在此感谢业主单位及合作伙伴,祝贺获奖设计团队!
Now in its 19thyear, the International Architecture Awards are hosted by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. The program received a record number of submissions this year, and a jury of several distinguished...
The Architecture Community Bond Tower | OODA | International Residential Architecture Awards 2024 OODA: Winner of International Residential Architecture Awards 2024. Located on Myslym Street in a central district of Tirana, where old and new converge, the Ndarja building—designed for residential, hospi...
台州保利凤栖未来社区展示中心入选the international design & architecture awards hwcd设计 hwcd设计 微信号 hwcd-design 功能介绍 hwcd设计事务所是一家国际性的专业化设计公司,在伦敦、上海和巴塞罗那有配合密切的设计团队。我们以独到的见解为全...