她是一个五十多岁的女士,身材基本上保持的不错,但是她已经为了根治乳腺癌多次进出医院。 Now she had gotten a prolapse from a cervical disc, giving her radiating pain of a tense kind, out into the right arm. Looking at her MRI before the consultation, I decided to suggest an operation. Now, ...
If you're going to do just an approach to the internal acoustic meatus, we can often save the middle meningeal artery, which does sends some blood supply to the facial nerve. But for drilling out the anterior petrosectomy, we usually need to sacrifice the middle meningeal artery. ▼综上,...
根据起源于前床突的位置不同,前床突脑膜瘤又被分为3组不同类型。每种类型手术切除难易程度不同,但均累及颈内动脉(internal carotid artery,ICA)和视器,也可能包括动眼神经。 当ICA从前床突下方和内侧穿出海绵窦时,将通过内环和外环(上环和下环)之间的硬膜下腔,这个1-2mm的节段内无蛛网膜覆盖,如脑膜瘤从该...
Two angiographic instances of anomalous external carotid artery (ECA) and internal carotid artery (ICA) anastomosis are described, each occurring at the C2-3 level and bearing remnants of proximal ICA. The ICA remnant of one patient (identifiable immediately upon bifurcation of the common carotid ...
internal carotid artery- the branch of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain and eyes and internal parts of the head arteria carotis,carotid artery- either of two major arteries of the neck and head; branches from the aorta ...
internalauditoryartery- anarterythatis abranchofthebasilararterythatsuppliesthelabyrinth artery of the labyrinth,labyrinthine artery inner ear,internal ear,labyrinth- acomplexsystemofinterconnectingcavities;concernedwithhearingandequilibrium arteria,arterial blood vessel,artery- abloodvesselthatcarriesbloodfromthehear...
Superior petrosal dAVFs are also difficult to access endovascularlyfrom either the arterial or venous side. They feed from the tentorialbranches of the internal carotid artery, such as the tentorial artery ofBernasconi and Casinari, the inferolateral trunk, and themeningohypophyseal trunk, as well...
The carotid artery plays a major role in stroke aetiology and is a good indicator of atherosclerosis. However, the clinical significance of internal carotid artery (ICA) anatomy remains unclear in patients with ischaemic stroke. This study examined the r
Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a chronic progressive ischemic cerebrovascular disease of unknown pathogenesis. It is characterized by chronic progressive stenosis or occlusion of the distal ends of bilateral internal carotid arteries and abnormal fine reticular vessels at the base of the brain. MMD is one...
Aneurysm of the Internal Carotid Artery with Atrophy and Compression of the Optic Nerve A patient who complained of failing of vision in the left eye and pains in the left side of the head was observed at intervals over the course of one year. Fundus examination showed, on the left side,...