P15血液的组成和功能 16-The Composition and Function of Blood 10:29 P16循环系统第一部分心脏 17-The Circulatory System Part 1 The Heart 09:26 P17循环系统第二部分血管 18-The Circulatory System Part 2 Blood Vessels 10:00 P18循环系统第三部分淋巴系统 19-The Circulatory System Part 3 The Lymphatic...
integumentary systemskinSummary The integument, comprised of three layers of skin and its appendages, represents the largest organ of the body. The ability to diagnose and treat skin disease in oncology patients may be enhanced by the clinician's understanding of the structure and function of the...
医学英语阅读(第2册)Unit 5 The Integumentary System.ppt,5-* Basal Cell Carcinoma Most common and least malignant Start in the epidermis and extend to the dermis or subcutaneous layer Treatment: surgical removal, radiation, or cryosurgery 5-* Squamous Ce
integumentaryskinunitsudoriferoushypodermisdermis TheIntegumentaryTheIntegumentary SystemSystem Unit5Unit5 MedicalTerminologyMedicalTerminology cut-,cuti- derm(o)-,dermat(o)- onych(o)- pil(o)- trich(o)- lip(o)- adip(o)- seb(o)-,sebi- skin skin nail hair,hairfollicle hair fat fat fat,grease...
The integumentary system consists ofthe skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves. Its main function is to act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions to retain body fluids, protect against disease, eliminate waste products, and regulate body temperature. ...
Chapter5TheIntegumentarySystem •Skinanditsaccessorystructures –structure–function–growthandrepair 1 GeneralAnatomy •Alargeorgancomposedofall4tissuetypes •22squarefeet•1-2mmthick•Weight10lbs.2 Overview •3Majorlayersofskin –Epidermisisepithelialtissueonly –Dermisislayerofconnectivetissue,nerve&...
How do nails function in protection? It is sensory receptors in the epidermis and dermis that detect pain, heat, temperature, and pressure. Hair has sensory receptors that detect hair movement. How does the integumentary system function in sensation?
Once again, the integumentary system and the nervous system work together, in this case for the function of sensation. Sensory reactions includes responses to: -Pressure-Traction-Heat-Cold-Pain-and more... Absorption Absorption is another function of the skin. Transdermal (through-the-skin). ...
Unit 5The Integumentary System Medical Terminology Word parts Meaning Examples cut- cuti- skin subcutaneous皮下的 cutisector取皮器 cuticle皮肤,表皮 derm(o)- dermat(o)- skin epidermis表皮 dermatosclerosis硬皮病 dermabrasion磨皮法 onych(o)- nail onychomycosis甲癣,甲真菌病 onycholysis甲剥离 paronychia...