i. Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) memory corruption resulting in denial of serviceVMCI was introduced in VMware Workstation 6.0, VMware Player 2.0, and VMware ACE 2.0. It is an experimental, optional feature and it may be possible to crash the host system by making specially craf...
Version Status: Current VMware Tools is installed and the version is current Installation Type: guestToolsInstallType null
vmci0.present = "TRUE" hpet0.present = "TRUE" svga.vramSize = "8388608" numvcpus = "2" memSize = "2048" sched.cpu.units = "mhz" sched.cpu.affinity = "all" powerType.powerOff = "default" powerType.suspend = "default" powerType.reset = "default" scsi0.virtualDev = "pvscsi" scsi...
machines Article Smart Hybrid Manufacturing Control Using Cloud Computing and the Internet-of-Things † Jonnro Erasmus * , Paul Grefen, Irene Vanderfeesten and Konstantinos Traganos School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlands; p.w.p.j....