We can divide the most commonly used three-layer intranet into the DMZ layer (outermost layer), the internal office layer (second layer), and the core layer (innermost layer). Three types of strategies can be designed: Priority searching hosts in the Demilitarized Zone (PDM), Priority ...
Digital health interventions that specifically target working women across the preconception, pregnancy and postpartum (PPP) life stages may address the unique barriers to engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviours and self-care during this life phase. Thi
The company’s head lawyer can create fake NSL’s sent to his or her department to request information or force backdoor implementation. A member of IT staff might accidentally give a partner organization with intranet access too much privilege. And they do the attack. People maintaining the fi...
Scrappy Information Security: A plain-English tour through the world of Intranets, the Internet, Packets, Headers, Ports, ACs, Routers, Bridges, ... Access Cards and Biometrics, whichMyers, Jacob MartinPrentice-Hall
Table 3.Hospital intranet access. At the end of the game, the players answered the assessment form we described in the Methods paragraph. To the question “Did you find Campus Game 2021 useful to increase your knowledge in the field of Quality and Patient Safety?”, the average score of th...
Previous scholars have defined EL as the use of a variety of electronic media to deliver learning to learners, including the interactive TV, intranet, satellite broadcast, extranet, and internet [1,48,49]. However, these visions are very reductive, since they limit the scope of the concept ...
The article discusses onboarding in Polish enterprises analyzed from the perspective of HR specialists. The subject of consideration in the article falls within the area of broadly understood concern for the sustainable development and well-being of empl
Participants were informed by individual email and information on the organization’s intranet; employees were free to refuse to participate and welcome to ask questions and express concerns about the study. The return of a completed questionnaire was taken to imply consent. Data were stored ...
The researchers extended an invitation to all medical students to participate in the study, employing the university’s intranet and newsletters as platforms for outreach. Comprehensive information regarding the study’s objectives, structure, and participation requirements was disseminated across these platfo...
The Jurisprudence Search System allows the integration with CADE’s internal databases, being structured data or not, and the indexed data from CADE’s SEI, CADE in Numbers, Portal, Intranet, audio transcripts, among others. In building the intelligence of the system’s data, we use machine le...