unaware of the ins and outs— 不明就里 也可见: ins and outs— 来龙去脉 · 本末 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Today a number of Honourable colleagues have talkedonthe ins and outsofMr Franklin LAM's incident, which we are ...
2.Those with position and influence and those without, especially those in office versus those who are not, as in "Juan stood well both with Ins and Outs" (Byron,Don Juan, 1823). [Mid-1700s] See also:and,INS,out The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyrig...
访问沪江小D查看the ins and the outs的更多详细解释> 参考例句 The soldier hollowed out a foxhole in the ground to lie in.那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。 When a ball goes out of the playground, there are boys to chuck it in.球滚出球场时,有孩子会将球扔进来。 In-house typesetting:...
如果有人说 “I'm in and out.”,那其实就是表示“我是常客”。 其实也好理解,in and out字面意思是“进进出出”,经常进出一个地方,就是常客。 例: I've been in and out of hospitals ever since the accident. 出了那次意外之后,我就成了医院的常客。 ins and outs 来龙去脉 in是内,out是外,...
you are ready, tap the plus sign, aka the “share” tab in the center of your navigation panel. This will activate your camera. You can either take a picture from there or choose a picture saved to your phone. Or, if you don’t have the time, schedule out your content in advance!
In this scenario, you would want to add an Action Call to this event that takes the script text from the data parameters and send it out the chat application. Of course, this part isn't automatically done for you because any chat system can be integrated and the method for ...
We concentrate on the fact that an outside country is likely to be quite small relative to an existing monetary union, and lack the resistance to inflation which comes with market power in trade. Consideration of this "market power effect" raises the potential for mutually-desirable union ...
约翰不得不卖掉他的爱车,因为他的公司已经连续亏损几年了。 释义:会计账簿上的亏空一般都用红字标出,即所谓赤字。 链接: in the black:赢利 2. Ins and outs 细节 Put the ins and outs on the back burners for a while and I don't have time to iron them out yet. ...
Suggestions for supermarkets to address the challenge faced by nonfood buyers; Remarks from Don Polsi, vice president for seasonal merchandise for Imperial Distributors; Key indicators of which in-and-out products fit which retailer.BeamonKelly
0.25%, buying two points costs $4,000 and results in an interest rate of 4.0%. Depending on the length of the mortgage at this interest rate, this could result in significant savings over time. Let’s look at how the payments play out on such a loan—assuming the classic 30-year ...