2024年8月27日周二01:00CST The Inquisitor Deluxe Edition 25% off 评测 “The atmosphere of Koenigstein is breathtakingly realized.” 89% –Gameslore “(...) an interactive, plotted adventure and, overall, (...) The Dust has done a really good job in crafting it.” ...
Game and Legal Info Jesus did not die on the cross, but came down and unleashed vengeance on all the nonbelievers. 1500 years later, an army of Inquisitors brutally enforce the faith. In this dark fantasy adventure you solve intricate cases and unveil abysmal secrets as Inquistor Mordimer ...
In The Inquisitor, players take on the role of Mordimer Madderdin, servant of God and appointed Inquisitor by the Bishop of Hez Hezron. In a world where
The Inquisitor is a story-driven, dark fantasy adventure game with action elements, that compels you to face difficult moral choices. The game is set in an alternative version of (religious) reality, inspired by the bestselling Inquisitor book series by Jacek Piekara. Once nailed to the cross...
发行日期:2024 年 2 月 8 日 访问网站YouTube Discord Instagram X Facebook TikTok 哔哩哔哩 VK 微博 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏The Inquisitor才能畅玩。 购买The Inquisitor - Deluxe Edition Content ...
The Inquisitor - Deluxe Edition Upgrade檢視附加元件 描述 豪華版內含一份《The Inquisitor》遊戲,同時包含數位版設定集、原聲曲目集和令人敬畏的大師服裝。做好準備,履行你在宗教法庭的審判官職責,將恐懼深深刻印在柯尼希斯坦小鎮境內所有有罪之人的內心深處。 《The Inquisitor》是一款故事導向的黑暗奇幻冒險遊戲,其中...
《The Inquisitor》是一个以故事为驱动,带有动作要素的黑暗幻想冒险游戏;你将会在游戏中面对艰难的道德抉择。游戏采用(宗教)现实改编的设定。以 Jacek Piekara 的畅销书《Inquisitor》系列为灵感来源。被钉在十字架上、濒临死亡的耶稣,现在胸中满是忿恨。他破开桎梏,对所有不皈依者展开暴力复仇。数个世纪过去了;而今...
The Inquisitor PC PS5 Xbox $38.98 The Inquisitor PC $47.99 The Inquisitor - Deluxe Edition PC $5.49 The Inquisitor - Original Soundtrack PS5 Xbox PC The Inquisitor PS5 Xbox PC The Inquisitor - Deluxe Edition
La Deluxe Edition include una copia di The Inquisitor, l'antologia digitale, la colonna sonora originale e l'imponente abito del Gran maestro.
PC Game Pad Description The Deluxe Edition includes one copy of The Inquisitor game, the digital compendium, the original soundtrack, and the awe-inspiring Grandmaster's Attire. Get ready to fulfill your inquisitorial duties to the Holy Office in style and strike fear into the hearts of all ...