Our experience designing and testing solutions for and with workers make usThe National Home for Worker-Centered Innovation,the leader in updating our country’s systems and structures to be inclusive of all workers. What Others Are Saying About The Innovation Fund: What You Can Expect From The ...
Location:Home > News > NewsNews The innovation fund project certificate TIME:2015-09-06SHARE: 0 PREV:High tech Enterprises noneLink :百度 Copyright © 厦门顶科电子有限公司 Address: No.53 Xiangyue Rd., Torch-Tech (Xiang An) Xiamen Industrial Park,Xiamen, Fujian, China Technical support:XIAM...
China and UNESCO have jointly held the International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage Along the Silk Roads and relevant activities in seven consecutive years, and established the Silk Roads Youth Research Grant which has funded 24 youth research projects. The Atomic Energy Scholarship of China ...
P.L. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 62075070) and the Innovation Fund of WNLO. P.A.-G. acknowledges support from the European Research Council under starting grant no. 715496, 2DNANOPTICA and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ...
cyclical value creation. Second, promoting the deep integration of AI with 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) will provide stronger technical support for edge AI. Lastly, forming an open and collaborative industrial community will facilitate the integration of resources and collaborative innovation ...
This work was supported by theSocial Innovation Fund[grant reference numberSIF-R4-S3-LUPS-002], funded by Scottish Government and theEuropean Social Fund. Funders approved the study design but had no role in the analysis of data or the writing of this article. ...
Executive Vice President of electronics giant Lenovo Group; Besik Bughanishvili, Chairman of Georgian Development Fund; Jiang Tao, Co-Founder of tech company iFlytek; Luigi Gambardella, the President of non-profit international organization ChinaEU; and Jany Hejuan Zhao, the founder of TMTPost Group...
Eco-innovation minimizes the carbon footprint of wine production Constructed wetlands and Phycosol systems that integrate solar technologies with microalgae reduce the winery’s greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to Sustainable Development Goals, according to an analysis of data on wastewater generatio...
information<<< FundingThe Fund provides up to100,000 RMBfor eligible projects and the grant provided should be used for approved purpose.<<< TimelineCall for Interest8 March — 29 March2024Selection and Result Announcement5...
The Australian Government (in Association with Shell) –The Australian government joined forces with Shell to offer the Australian Innovation Challenge grant. You can easily get up to AUD 30,000 if you have a great idea that can benefit fields such as environment, manufacturing and agriculture ...